Volans Settings Change Discussion

  • Hello Volans. I have made this thread for setting suggestions. Please post here what you want the new settings to be. The most popular requests will be put in a poll for voting. You can also vote to keep as is. The link below will show you options and rules to settings. Feel free to ask questions as well.

    Possible Universe Settings - 🪐 The Game - OGame US (gameforge.com)

    Please only vote here. You can discuss on your state of the union thread.

    State of the Union - Volans - Merge 2023 - 🌌 Universe Discussion - OGame US (gameforge.com)

  • unless economy speed or research can increase further, i believe the settings are just fine. the community needs an older x1 fleet speed uni, so that should not change.

    noobin around in a universe near you

  • Code
    1. I speak in the name of my alliance OPP.
    2. we would like
    3. -2x speed universe
    4. -Fleet speed peacefully 10x (necessary)
    5. -holding on 8-10x (necessary)
    6. -eco 10x
    7. our requests would be to have the server where we played again but and I repeat but if it is not possible to change the speed of the attacks from 1x to 2x we would like at least the peaceful fleets and the deployment ones to be very fast 10x would be ideal. Also because we are all Crasher and not Miner, but above all discoverer.
  • settings are fine the way they are, but i think lifeforms could be the solution everyone wants... better eco for those who want eco and faster ships and better expiditions for those who want that. I know there are still problems with lifeforms on older unis, but the second it becomes available for volans, I think it should be activated here

    noobin around in a universe near you

  • x1 speed for military must stay, protect the legacy of 1x speed.

    I'd be OK for peaceful fleet to go to 2x at most, still prefer to stay 1x but I can live with that. Going to 10x from 1x is crazy talk.

    I think the rest of settings are fine and nicely balanced (x8 eco and x16 research)

  • Open up all 9 Galaxies. With only 4 galaxies and with all influx of extra players from 5 universe will make Volans much too crowded. We need more space!
    Probe storage ON


  • For Volans; merging 2024

    - Keep war fleet speed to 1, keep it original, since this is the reason why people play this universe. Tamper with that, and they will most likely leave

    - Not allowing in players that are higher than the top 5 military. It would be undoable for the existing players if other players with 5 - 15 times the fleet size are coming in

    - Increasing peaceful fleet speed by a factor of 2, transporting resources might be a bit quicker please.

    - I agree with Allan, that if a lot of extra players come in, then more galaxies are needed.

  • Hi guys,

    i suggest the below:

    - Keep war fleet speed to 1, keep it original,

    - Increasing peaceful fleet speed by a factor of 2, transporting resources might be a bit quicker, please.

    -increase eco production since its a slow univ and you cant do much expo like fast univ

    - Not allowing in players that are higher than the top 5 military. It will be note fair for the us to have such big fleeters

    - I agree with Allan, that if a lot of extra players come in, then more galaxies are needed.

    Noob around the universe :thumbsup:

    :lol:  :miffy::missile:  *minigun**minigun2* :wtf:

    Edited 4 times, last by Zozo ().

  • Code
    1. The real upgrade would be to let players choose the gaming experience. Because a year ago I was forced to choose between 1x and 8x speed. L 8x Unless you live in front of the PC or have fleets and large accounts given away by gf or bought by gf as in the case of our friends biz and red it is unplayable. So I/we (fullhd) ended up in this 1x waiting for the next merge hoping that they would finally give us a choice... Which is what happened for all the exodus universes. In group 1 you can choose between 1x-2x-4x while in group 2 you can choose between 1x and 4x. Finally a nice choice, it's a shame that this time you (GF) chose for me/us.
    2. The real upgrade must be that the target universes can move to other target universes of their own group, this would be a victory for the users and a good achievement for the gf.
  • if I were to modify volans, in addition to the 2x speed (but it's something autopistic) I would increase the production, the speed for expedition, and the speed for the deployments.
    I wouldn't agree with the fleet score limit, I would prefer a score limit to the general highscore, after the top 5 you can enter the universe.

    bye bye

  • Code
    1. The real upgrade must be that the target universes can move to other target universes of their own group, this would be a victory for the users and a good achievement for the gf.

    So, Volans would be able to choose between Himalia (death sentence) and Zenith.....well, could be doable, at least it would give Volans a choice, but also players from Zenith, if they want to move to Volans as well.

  • if I were to modify volans, in addition to the 2x speed (but it's something autopistic) I would increase the production, the speed for expedition, and the speed for the deployments.
    I wouldn't agree with the fleet score limit, I would prefer a score limit to the general highscore, after the top 5 you can enter the universe.

    bye bye

    i agree with tco about increasing the production and the speed of expidition and the speed of deployement to be fair with fast univ

    Noob around the universe :thumbsup:

    :lol:  :miffy::missile:  *minigun**minigun2* :wtf:

  • Kinda like gaspra? They are 1x war but have a much higher peaceful fleet. And lmao at himalia death sentence :rofl:

    new settings have already been established we are all waiting now for the announcement. Good luck to Volans and getting some peaceful speed!

    Thanks DISASTER for the awesome Sig!

  • It seems clear that ALL Volans players really prefer at least the preservation of the WAR-Fleet speed to only 1.

    It makes sense. Players play in this universe because they cannot sit 24 hours per day behind their pc playing this game, or just having also a real/family life.

    Other items being sped up would be nice, especially transport, which takes sometimes forever.
    I think on behalf of EVERY Volan around here that we all would like the fleet speed for war to stay at 1.