TOP-10 [TOT: 2.806.746.500] Main Miscreant [Dynamic] vs. diablo666 [NOOB] (A: 102.535.000, D: 2.704.211.500)

  • Color scheme for the cold days of winter.
    Short Story -- Names have been removed to protect the reputations of the childish.
    A member of our alliance had left once upon a time to go play with some of his friends he'd made in ogame in another alliance. We in Dynamic wished him well. Off he went. We stayed in contact, maintained friendship. Drama arose in the new alliance and the player asked to return to Dynamic. Obviously, we're always willing to let our friends back into the alliance to play with us and he was welcomed back. The leader of the alliance where the drama ensued was displeased to say the least. Leaving to return was considered betrayal. Our regained member messaged the leader of the alliance he had left and wished him a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. The leader responded:

    Quote from Unnamed Alliance Leader

    "i wish u happy holidays as well, but we have nothing further to say with each other. u chose a group who operates quite repugnantly. that's ur choice. i judge my friends thusly. it is my choice who i associate with and who i communicate with. i have no desire to communicate with such people. choices in ogame are a direct reflection of how a person is IRL. u r a profound disappointment. i did not expect this of u. u r a different person than i initially believed. too bad. i had looked forward to a sincere friendship. u destroyed that. i extended a hand of honest and sincere friendship, as u well know. it was not returned in kind. thus, i have moved on. my criteria for friendship is vastly different than urs. u r attempting for me to validate ur choice. i will not do so. i despise what u did. u destroyed the faith i had in u. that makes me sad. stay with ur group of miscreants. u guys have a horrible, but well deserved reputation."

    I wasn't aware that our reputation was such a negative one here in the universe. Obviously, mine isn't the best after the initial hit on Diablo but my alliance members have rarely had issues. So I figured if that's what the universe viewed us as, I would embody it and take it on.As far as the hit goes, nothing too special. I don't think Diablo is playing on the account anymore as there wasn't much in the way of activity there usually is. I think someone else may have rebuilt the fleet and moved it down to the planet thinking it wouldn't be probed since so many just probe moons. Fleet was there and I was able to send a little slower to conserve some fuel. Best of luck to whoever is on the account. Dedications to Dynamic and the deut traders that keep the fleet moving. Don't want to shout your names too loudly lest you be labeled miscreants and targeted. Recruiting deut suppliers :) This hit just edges out EJ's hit on Miss Piggy from back in 2016. Hate to push a Dynamic top10 out but at least it'll be replaced by one.

    Main Miscreant [Dynamic]

    Battleship 220.000
    Battlecruiser 110.000


    diablo666 [NOOB]

    Small Cargo 16.551
    Large Cargo 6.447
    Light Fighter 127.495
    Heavy Fighter 1.651
    Cruiser 12.744
    Battleship 3.829
    Colony Ship 4
    Recycler 18.200
    Espionage Probe 100
    Bomber 127
    Solar Satellite 1.067
    Destroyer 5.225
    Deathstar 1
    Battlecruiser 3.823
    Rocket Launcher 15.000
    Light Laser 8.000
    Heavy Laser 2.500
    Gauss Cannon 300
    Ion Cannon 200
    Plasma Turret 200
    Large Shield Dome 1


    Main Miscreant [Dynamic]

    Battleship 218.624 ( -1.376 )
    Battlecruiser 109.765 ( -235 )


    diablo666 [NOOB]


    The attacker has won the battle!
    The attacker captured:
    3.187.825 Metal, 1.097.966 Crystal and 755.833 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 102.535.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 2.704.211.500 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 474.573.000 metal and 274.627.500 crystal.
    The attacker captured a total of 5.041.624 units.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 408.790.825
    Crystal: 245.685.466
    Deuterium: -2.769.167
    The attacker(s) made a profit of 651.707.124 units.

    deut cost was altogether around 150 -160 if I recall. Around 500mil profit in the end.

  • FFS what going on here,,, diablo :cursing:?( nice catch it may be winter but colour suck lol

    GLOTR who ever lost the fleet ?(?(?(?(?(:dash::dash:

    A member of our alliance had left once upon a time to go play with some of his friends he'd made in ogame in another alliance. We in Dynamic wished him well. Off he went. We stayed in contact, maintained friendship. Drama arose in the new alliance and the player asked to return to Dynamic. Obviously, we're always willing to let our friends back into the alliance to play with us and he was welcomed back. The leader of the alliance where the drama ensued was displeased to say the least. Leaving to return was considered betrayal. Our regained member messaged the leader of the alliance he had left and wished him a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. The leader responded:

    this is lost on me ... when and story behind this...

    Edited 2 times, last by Cuzzer.: this is lost on me ... when and story behind this... ().

  • Good hunting again, you sure been piling on the profit. Keep it up!

    I wasn't aware that our reputation was such a negative one here in the universe. Obviously, mine isn't the best after the initial hit on Diablo but my alliance members have rarely had issues. So I figured if that's what the universe viewed us as, I would embody it and take it on.

    No worries mate! There's many brands of hate. You could feel proud to get that top-shelf Ramsay Bolton brew - full-bodied respect fermented with deep fear and loathing. Makes your doot cheaper. And everyone else's fuel more expensive. Keep on embracing the rep, and never let it get you down. Here's a song that might help:

    FR defender. Song might work for you too.

    Nothing is ever foolproof because fools are so ingenious!

  • OMG! Again!?!?! Once again nice hit and profits! Diablo if it's you, what happened? Have you just decided to let ppl bomb the account into oblivion? If not Diablo, learn from this and fr!


  • Ouch!

    I hope all is okay in RL mate. GLOTR or GLIRL....

    Enjoy the profits famine....



    Retired: Univ others) Univ Univ Univ

  • nice hit!! :rocket: (for some reason I can't post without one of these smilies...)

    I mean... what did you expect? It's OGame after all *rocket2*:cookie2: