Goodbye... for good.

  • Years ago after I quit the first time, I knew I couldn't find a better partner than Hykage and I was content with my retirement.

    Wyfbane, the one man in RL who could have convinced me of such things, lured me back by asking for a bit of help with mining to help with his fleeting... for a limited time (he knew I wasn't comfortable in anything but a 1x UNI).

    I had figured that starting as late as we did, and so far behind everyone else, that he'd would eventually get bored and I'd go back to my ogame retirement.

    Not to be.

    It turned out to be me that got the bug again. And boy did I get it.

    At it core, it was never so much the game that was addicting but the people it attracted (GF please don't push DM anymore or you will risk losing them all).

    I have met a lot of friends here. Many are gone. A few are still playing. Thankfully I met fewer who I didn't like.

    But I will not belabor anyone with tributes to those I hold in high esteem... their actions speak for themselves and my words will only lesson their accomplishments.

    I will instead just pay tribute to 211.

    Few alliances have gone through the ups and downs that we have. Few alliances have so consistently and honorably stayed on top. Few alliances have forged the partnerships and tamed the enemies as we have.

    I was humbled to have been your hand and honored to call you friends.

    No one was bigger than the alliance and, because of that, we were able to trust it to play a big part in our lives.

    To the best ally in .us and thank you for the ride. :beer:

    You know you have arrived when you have a sig from the GIF lord... thank you DISASTER

  • Sad to see you go mate. Only been flying with you a week, but still sad. Hope all goes well , no matter what the future holds. Even as the new guy to 2-1-1 , I feel I speak for us all when I saw you will be missed. Just remember ,there will always be an account waiting , even if its just for a day .

  • You've always been humble, honorable and an all-around decent guy.
    I'm glad to have met you, truly.

    Take care of your wife and baby - they're far more important than any silly game will ever be.
    And sorry that I won't be taking over your account even though you asked... but you know me, I like the challenge and I'm quite happy with this one and where I'm going with it.

    Don't be a stranger on Skype, nub.

  • And you get both. I've never heard one bad thing about you, ever. That says it all. It's sad to lose such a great personality but you'll still be around in skype so we will still be in touch. Maybe we could even squeeze one of your famous updates out of you occasionally (queue bizarre chat)

    I'll end with this

    I make signatures

  • Can I report this as spam? Do we have the right to just say no to your retirement?

    but really good luck out there and keep your head down.

    Thanks Disaster Retired Rank 65 Active Rank 15 Active Rank 8
    2 time S&D MDing chump 34 moons killed for lols.

  • your account is still in the top 5 in Leo, you and your boys set a high bar for us that's stood a very long time, even without you. says a lot about your skills. i don't know you, only familiar with your name and actions, but i wanted to say best wishes and good travels.

  • Little late on this one but we talked privately so I guess it's no biggie :beer: take it easy my friend, and keep in touch :thumbsup:

    :bday: Thanks Disaster for the sig :bday:

    Hofs: More than you
    Advanced: A Lot More than you
    Super Advanced: More than you, but especially more than Frat :beer:
    But not as many as the number of times SRI has been top 10'd
    Rips Crashed: More than DegO :thumbsup:

  • Joab! my friend and brother! i am so glad you came back and found me all these years later mate! it has been an honor to play with you again. best of luck irl. may you never want for resources there. im sure we will keep in touch. come visit soon for a beer!

  • It's always sad to see a player retire, particularly one as skilled, honored, and humble as you. If only we could retire usernames like some teams retire Jersey numbers!

    Sig brought to you by ma boi DISASTER. Keep it real.

    "We're more than just a people or an army. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we can certainly kill you."