[STRYKE] vs. [N_U]

  • your team is basically all vaca. ur team is shutting down production for half the day. and u cant touch our fleets.
    so what if you've killed more RL? lol

    Looking in your windows, munching on Tomatoes.

  • I cant stop laughing my dear Glugga...
    You can say whatever you want but we lead at the damage points.
    I guess you should fight with your fleet not with your words.
    Today you could make a return hit if in you're veins have some blood... but i guess i was wrong. You was afraid or you dont know how to do this hehe...

    What we do in life... echoes in eternity!

  • @Mao Firstly, thats not even remotely close to correct? like.. What?

    Second, having duet around doesn't seem to be helping N_U any, how much did you guys spend today trying to fly on me while I was clearly online, during my normal peak activity time? What a joke.

    Third, we've been over this, you sell your defense and turn off mines, just so you can brag about ToT. Literally no one cares except you and apparently Dead Parrot, since hes still got so much to say about a universe he doesn't bother to play in. Shrug, may the war continue!

    As always, Fly Safe my friends!


  • mal you started the war and then started to calculate the TD yourself. You kept the TD updated until NU started winning. Now they keep score.

    Im interested because im on the mod team and this is what we do, interact with the members of the community. Your on the team so I suspect you should already be aware of this. Just because I dont agree with you on this matter doesnt mean I should not participate.

    As for not playing in OB. Yes I still have an acct therr but only because I cant pass it. You know this since it was your ally mate that would have taken the acct had I been able to pass it.

    the cold hard parrot truth..

  • @deadparrot Thats incorrect as well, check your bias. I didn't stop the count when they started to win, I stopped the count, when they started to post a ton of Cr's for every hit over 100K. Because i'm sure yall are gonna try to slam me for it, i'm not saying that was a bad thing on their part. Thats their call, just made keeping ToT (for me) too tedious to bother with, Especially when you... and other mods said that it wasn't really common to bother with ToT anyway. You literally discouraged me from keeping ToT... and turn around later and ask where its at and claim that I stopped when I started to lose?

    Since we can't summarize the hits and they don't post the ToT in their CR's it simply became too tedious to scroll through page after page of little things to keep tabs, so I stopped. I clarified that in a post long before they took the lead in ToT.

    Then you talk about bragging, when N_U is by far the biggest one bragging, on every little hit they post. Calling us 'pro' and calling out egos for cargo slaps and little things. Its really silly and unbecoming imo

    And now we've taken over the war thread to argue about something completely unimportant. So, i'll be taking my leave from here.


  • just made keeping ToT (for me) too tedious to bother with, Especially when you... and other mods said that it wasn't really common to bother with ToT anyway. You literally discouraged me from keeping ToT... and turn around later and ask where its at and claim that I stopped when I started to lose?

    Then you talk about bragging, when N_U is by far the biggest one bragging, on every little hit they post. Calling us 'pro' and calling out egos for cargo slaps and little things.

    Do you understand why we said that most people don't keep track? There isn't a very easy and convenient way; As explained politely before.
    As far as I (and seems others) can see is that you did keep track of both sides, but then suddenly stopped (and must of missed your post stating which you were stopping). Ironically when they started to post some hits back on your ally. No biggy. No reason to come guns blazing when asked where it was since we all thought you were keeping track.

    If keeping track of all ToT is a desire, how about the two sides keep their own tabs on their own destruction done and share at the end, whenever that may be.

    I didn't stop the count when they started to win, I stopped the count, when they started to post a ton of Cr's for every hit over 100K.

    Guess y'all gotta stop leaving stuff to hit behind then hmm? :giggle:

    @Malicious lets me clear and honest here. This is one of the most active and engaging wars I have seen from both sides and it truly is great to see it. It is attractive to people whether you think so or not. Being Mods motivates us to view everything and this war sticks out like a bump on a log. Its good, its salty and its funny. The egos make the banter funny, but lets see all this talk done in CR's. Good work in keeping your community alive :nicethread:

  • @Malicious you become more hillarious day by day. You started a war and you had not any clue what a war means in a didf universe.
    I see you just complaining, interested by my production, hunting my sattelites and talking about N_U`s strategy, but you have no one for yourself. You just stay around, talk :censor: and complaint.
    You are not a pro player, not at all. If you please us we can add you in our Noobs Academy.

    ~Watch your language

    Edited 2 times, last by Mrdavid ().

  • There has been plenty of trash talk in both directions, a lot from you mal. So I am not sure what your upset about. You start a war, you count TD, then decide to stop for whatever reason. No bias, just pointing out you are actually loosing a war if you have to claim victory because NU went into war mode with clearing def and shutting down mines. Look at every major war in other unis and you will see its a very typical and wise way to respond to a larger ally starting a war.

    We did discourage you from posting summerized CR because NO ONE has ever done it that way, it destroys the flow of the war cr thread, and then we have no way to verify points if needed without going to the GO team or clicking all those damn links. We simply asked you to post the war like its ALWAYS been done.

    Dont blame me for the war not going your way or whatever it is your upset with today. Its simple, you started the war, either fight back and win or deal with things not going your way. You didnt expect them to let ships sit for your spy and flys or let you ninja them right? Come on, its ogame.

    the cold hard parrot truth..

  • This is a standard war:

    Keeping up with damage isn't a requirement. Keeping sats in the air isn't required. Keeping planets up in defenses isn't required. Keeping production up isn't required.

    It's just a blood "fight club" style brawl until somebody falls down

    I have only one request: Where is da bombers!?!!?!?


  • I'm not trolling, I just was taking your side.....doesn't matter if you keep score to me. That's counting punches in a boxing match...who does that besides the judges?

    C'mon, show us some bomber love!


  • Quote from Nevers

    So please be fair play and let the cr war thread speak...

    Quote from Mao

    TOTAL WAR DAMAGE 8th of July:
    Total damage produced by STRYKE - 652.219.000
    Total damage produced by N_U - 1.054.939.500

    I will go ahead and just share a single CR... again...

    [TOT: 1.903.571.000] Malicious [STRYKE] & goxxy [AMISH] & Shadyj09 [STRYKE] & Kore [STRYKE] vs. Mao [N_U] (A: 250.241.000, D: 1.653.330.000)

    Welcome to war my friend, let us know when ur done, until then, rebuild that fleet for me, STRYKE is still hungry!

    Quote from Mao

    Its painfull? Well, you have to handle with this


  • Its so interesting and funny to read this topic, pls guys continue. So much drama , salt, butt-hurt , ego and everything ... I dont know what to add from my side. (btw I am playing in that uni)

    Edited once, last by Kuchy ().

  • just a reminder on war rules. doesnt apply with the last hit but figure id point it out before feelings are hurt on another hit if you use outside help like you did with goxxy. The ally in the war has to make 51% of the TD. This was put in place to keep people from adding a probe to a hit and calling it a war hit. So keep that in mind when using outside ally players in acs.

    the cold hard parrot truth..