DISASTER[2-1-1] -vs- BaKeR[N/A] ~(TD: 204,54 M)

  • I make signatures

  • Thank you for the dedi... LOL, I got the biggest kick out of the inactive raids btw :)

    For those wondering, 211 has remained one of the most powerful alliances in .us for a long long time. And it has done so because its leadership focused on giving back to IO (either with contests, mentoring, or the ever valued DISASTER sig) over crushing any perceived signs of dissent. And there have been a lot of actual dissenters. There are a lot of players who have been at war with 211 (in its many forms) and a lot of players who have left 211 (in its many forms). I am proud to say most of those players are AT LEAST on neutral terms with at most of the ally. In fact, I am even more proud to say many are counted on as good friends.

    All that aside, BaKeR should know better than most why he shouldn't antagonize the alliance as a whole. And yet, despite Liam revealing him for who he was, DISASTER had left him alone... because DISASTER is a good guy. Now BaKeR decided to go after the entire alliance... again? BaKeR, a bit of honest advice from someone who kinda hopes you ignore it: Ask to sell duet to DISASTER for awhile. While he may say no, and while there will still be people who rightfully have it out for you, you will have done the right thing by attempting to square things with one of the nicest people in .us. Heck, if he accepted, you'd be back to contributing to an alliance that means something.

    DISASTER, nice hit and love to see someone is cleaning off those inactives for me :borg:

    You know you have arrived when you have a sig from the GIF lord... thank you DISASTER

  • Oh my god.

    Do you people have a trademark on "bots"

    One dude in that ally made a hit and a few rage ipms. We were never at war. I just wanted to pick a cleaver name. And yea protect your own I get that and respect that. You don't want people to lust after crashing you then go play my little pony

    You should never hit Yourself.
    You just might get hit back.

    Thanks to DISASTER for the siggy!

  • who the hell do you think you are ......maybe the kings of the universe? :fie:
    shake your heads.....maybe ur minds go in their place
    dont act like you own this uni....i didnt threat anyone ....i didnt scan anyone of you.....and especially i didint threat joab for an inactive
    i asked joab polite some things and he took it as a threat.....maybe my bad english or maybe ur bad attitude as kings of the uni
    i dont sell deut to anyone.....i just BUY
    dont threat me ......that wont touch me .....i can hit you same way as you did.....
    this is a joke ....fr to me
    sorry for my bad english

  • Ask to sell duet to DISASTER for awhile.


    Sure, 2-1-1 can try to rule Io with an iron fist but there will always be opposition. For every good, there is a bad. For every yin, there is a yang. So honestly, antibots is just the opposite of 2-1-1. The intention is simply clear. If antibots were to disband(I do not know if they are still there as I do not play Io no more), then the next alliance that is not 2-1-1 steps up to be the opposition. And the cycle comes full circle.

  • Deg0 rules with an iron fist :rofl: I just happen to be along for the ride.

    NamiUltedJapan, your short time ally poked people for no reason. Going into vmode he left us no one to punish... except his former alliance mates. You can't fraternize with someone who IPM's and MD's the top alliance and expect no repercussions. No exceptions, that'd send the message that you can keep doing it.

    @SWK, Venom has been the closest "opposition" alliance for a long time now. We have hit one another plenty of times but never decided to haul off and IPM or MD one another that I can remember (maybe it has happened idk). Antibots pop up and instantly there were IPM and MD? You can see why the typical "smash them all" attitude has been adopted by me and my allies.

    ^ classic degobot response

    I make signatures

  • Ouch Baker. Fr. Typical planet accessories nothing much. Chill out.

    Bad hit attacker. Funny to say other think otherwise. Its ok. Guess just bait post. Find scapegoat if you cant catch real evil. Classic. Real hit pls.

    Nami go vmode? smart move I think. When you know wat will happen if regular fs. No shame on it. It can be understand.

    No point to argue 211 is dominant here. It is because one reason, Dego. Not their leadership bla bla bla and bla. Make uni a little bit boring. Its fine.

    Sorry my bad english.

  • Quote

    To be clear, yes this is a crappy hit. Deut costs subtracted.


    Deg0 rules with an iron fist :rofl: I just happen to be along for the ride.

    Bad hit attacker. Funny to say other think otherwise.
    No point to argue 211 is dominant here. It is because one reason, Dego. Not their leadership bla bla bla and bla. Make uni a little bit boring. Its fine.

    I started the post saying it was a bad hit. I also recognized the awesome amazingness and glory of Deg0's iron shining fist who's light we bask in. DegO cannot be bothered with petty issues like leadership, so he bestowed upon me the microchip encrusted crown of 2-1-1 and mustn't be bothered with the problems of mere mortals, he has reaping to do and his hand shall not waver.

    No but really, making choices once in a while that affect friends and allies gaming experience can get uncomfortable sometimes. We saw what happens with bad leadership, it tore friends away from one another, ended long-term friendships, and stained reputations. True story, we have DegO but we also have a tight-knit stable group that enjoys one another. That is worth defending :wink:

    I make signatures

  • I joined Yourself in that ally because Venom seemed to be dead. Little to no activity, Rebel had been gone for weeks without a clue as to his status. Yourself PMed me and said he was starting an ally with the active members from Venom so I headed over. Soon as I saw the hit on Cam I bounced for this very reason. I can't speak for the rest of them (save for Nami as its clear where he stands) but when I left, Yourself very insistently tried to persuade me that the intention was not to go after 211. I figured perception would take it this way and unfortunately it did.

    Anyway, I don't know why Yourself disbanded as I left well before but figured I would give some truth to the situation beyond what has been perceived.

    Just give us the d00t and nobody gets hurt.

  • Our actions are not based on me losing 500 rips, As the rips were rightfully lost before the rise of antibots, on top of that I left them sitting unprotected. However, antibots was started and then the count less nukes mds, and complaining we are unfair for protecting our own. This is why we are armed up, this is why we not stop till every one with the exception of Corey will be on our head hunt post in the alliance, well till they have no more combat fleets, and learn the life of the mining nomad, or leave the uni. As this isn't the first time a few of you desired to try to topple 2-1-1 we are sure it wont be your last so we will remove any chance you can fulfill that desire.

    Thanks Disaster
    Uni1.us Retired Rank 65
    Io.us Active Rank 15
    Sirius.us Active Rank 8
    2 time S&D MDing chump 34 moons killed for lols.

  • Well thats a blatant lie, iv gotten probes from you a few times and i know joab got fairly regular probes from you.

    i didnt scan anyone of you.....

    when it comes down to it, people that joined antibots threw their lot in with a guy who was md'ing and ipm'ing at a loss just to be a thorn in our sides. He hid in vmode and as every one who knows how to read should know by now, your ally vmodes, you get hit instead. not saying its a perfect system, not saying its "fair", but its what happens. i have yet to hear anyone besides HC disassociate from him and his actions, just sayin...

    now then enough :spam: , back to mining :beer:

    glad your back from vacation disaster ill be :search: for more

  • Damn James layin' down the LAW! Lol I don't think I've ever seen you so aggressive, you used to be such a nice boy, then you hung out with me and look what happens :rofl: Nice job, too bad it has to be you baker, as ive said in the past I think you're a pretty cool guy, too bad it has to end up this way.

    :bday: Thanks Disaster for the sig :bday:

    Hofs: More than you
    Advanced: A Lot More than you
    Super Advanced: More than you, but especially more than Frat :beer:
    But not as many as the number of times SRI has been top 10'd
    Rips Crashed: More than DegO :thumbsup:

  • That makes a lot of sense thanks Corey. So basically NamiUltedJapan is starting trouble and you guys left to avoid the shrapnel?

    I don't know the timelines as to what they did. I joined the ally, next day saw Cam get hit so I left. I don't think Yourself or Baker wanted this BS, it wouldn't make any sense for 2-3 guys to poke a much larger bear.

    Just give us the d00t and nobody gets hurt.

  • Yeah the cam hit was before antibots. I made the ally for a fleeting allaince. When it became Aparent nami was only out to cause trouble I disbanded the ally.

    Enough said.

    No one is trying to start anything.

    My little pony mang.

    You should never hit Yourself.
    You just might get hit back.

    Thanks to DISASTER for the siggy!

  • sir arafel i dont remember scaning you .....maybe was on my regular scans.....and on quick clicks may be was one of ur planets.....as for joab ...yes ive scaned him sometimes and he scaned me back....and that bcs he was lieing for me and crying to big guys that i was threating him for inactives.......its same that we cant get back that messages that we had for that inactives.....(the uni is full of the of them)
    its very funny that all you guys are armed to hit antibots becouse of what....of the name....or your bots started screaming ?
    as for james hitting me was quite a joke.....was really for laughs as he is hiding behind dego or yummie or queenleo now( after taking over yummies account)....bcs he knows he will have back up....... :airborne:
    last post for now ...i wont sit and watch ur *snip* :censor::thumbdown: ......sorry for my bad english :cya:

    Notice - Avoiding board censor - Titanium [IT]

  • In no way is 2-1-1 just me nor does it hide behind me, 2-1-1 is a group of badass friends. I'm just a measly ripper that doesn't appreciate when his friends are MD/IPM'd for no reason at all. If you do that to me, I couldn't care less - I have points to spare.

    Our fearless leader (Disaster) has spoken and we all follow his lead. The punchline: Don't *snip* :censor: with us

    Warning - Avoiding board censor - Titanium [IT]

    Rips crashed: Way more than you :biggrin2:

    Special Thanks to Disaster for the Sig

  • Oh I see, Antibot is no more. Im very slow...zzz. Hopping that Antibot can give badass fight but look it will not gonna happen.

    Credit to Yourself manly enough to gather some strength to poke a big bear ( whether true or not true ). Hope will inspire many more in good way.

    Dego you re too humble.. :stick:

    Why think 211 is dominant caused by Dego only? Not really care about Dissaster, Arafel, Issac or others. But this Dego even just heard rumor he gonna act, many already run away....lol this is true story :tongue3: . And from our experience, whenever we spy some people or make a hit, we always heard Dego will do that Dego will do this. So we guess many hide behind you just see how frequent they use Dego name. :tongue3:

    Wats wrong bout spying? This is OGAME. . I attack u, u attack i.

    Good thing we got some drama once in a awhile.

    //Sorry again for my bad english.