TeX[WAAC] & jupi/isildur[ELDAR] -vs- bigyag[L.W.A.] TD: 272.313.000

  • well not much story here. one day i was studying stats and notice a good 4-5k fleet point jump from bigyag. grav try?? hmm could be. so i scanned all his planets and just as suspected he is trying for grav. but wait.. what do we see?? this fleet sitting on a moon. i did try to share the intel with others.. but we decided to go to him and hit him ourselves.

    jupi/isildur .. it was good flying with you. hope we find more targets ...

    @ defender: we do encourage you to stay and rebuild man. with that said.. gluck in doing so.

    dedication to all WAAC and ELDARS :D :D .. and to all other friends.. u know who u are

    on to the hit ... NJoy

  • Great job you guys ,sure are all three great fleets ;)

    Beautifal cooperation ;) Hope to see you find some more soon ...

    I really hope this does not mean your game over here with us in universe 3 Bigyag...GLOTR if you decide to stay with us...

  • OMG massive fleet there
    congratz alot
    FR defender ;(
    enjoy the top 10 8)
    its amazing :D

  • its been a while we have seen crashes like that grt job there

    glotr defender

  • Nice find and Great job on his fleet Tex and Eldars :D.....u did say u had something going on and i would see soon :P...

    well done to u all!! 10/10 from me

    Glotr def

  • nice hit guys enjoy in that sweeeet profits!!! :sr:

    glotr bigyag i hope that u will stay in u3 :)


    in space no one can hear your scream

  • It was a big noise this morning ...

    Congratz to da attackers ....

    GLOTR defender ...

  • damn TeX jupi/isildur thats a very nice ACS u guys pulled off!
    and sure this hit will be a Top10 (Top3) ACS!

    enjoy all the profits and everything!

    hope ur not gonan wuit bigyag...lol

    glotr D

  • nice hit guys

    Tex your one BC of 1337 xD

    glotrb defender

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Vorso
    nice hit guys

    Tex your one BC of 1337 xD

    glotrb defender

    im a noob at this ... what does that mean 1337? i've seen it and idk what it means LOL :P

  • Quote

    im a noob at this ... what does that mean 1337? i've seen it and idk what it means LOL :P

    lol 1337 is the number of ownage/being pro!

  • well after the hit, he had like 6k fleet points... .still top 100. with the solar sats still there of course.

    just wanted to share the follow up hit

    Fleet Stats


    471 (-463) bigyag

  • Quote

    Well done Tex , what a great perfrmance ,congratulations man !

  • Holy crap nice going there guys.

    Nice fleets from all.

    Glotr bigyag, hope you stay with us.

  • This uni 3 might be getting smaller and smaller but its sure great to see massive hits like this with teams working together.

    I love thoose solars bashes !!!

  • Nice hit fellas. GLOTR Defender.


    @Tex, l337 means leet or elite.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SpiceHustle29
    Nice hit fellas. GLOTR Defender.


    @Tex, l337 means leet or elite.

    thanks LOL i guess that's why i was one short cos im really not in that elite status :D :D :D

  • Very nice battle guys. But I think that it would be more profitable to you Tex to fly only with jupi ( profit would be share by 2 person ). But maybe you didn't have enough recyclers. Anyway profit is very nice even for 3 persons :D.
    Keep it up.