Expo Calculator

  • It is known that I only recently came back to full time play, and even at that, I still have a few servers in v mode as I don't have that much free time. Does anyone remember the calculator for expo fleets or where to find it and was it even a legal tool ( i can't imagine it wouldn't be as it gave no in game benefits other than how to best set up your expo for max rewards). There has been some discussion among a few of us about what is the best fleet to send and what gets the best results. what are the thoughts of the general masses? :/:thinking:

  • Also, does anyone use an add on or such (that is one that is approved by GF) that tracks daily tallies for expo fleets, raids, builds, and other daily operations to track growth? I wouldn't mind trying one to see the difference between when all i can do is just log in and spend what rss i have on hand, or days when i can spend most of the day online running multiple raids or expos to do upgrades.