Increase Starting Homeworld field limit

  • After 20 years, I would have thought that they would have updated the starting Homeworld's starting field limit to be more competitive with existing colonization limits. I mean 163 fields is only competitive in slot 4 and slot 12 since it's at or above the average field size. Yet if you happen to start in slots 5-11, particularly slots 6-9, you're almost compelled to replace your starting Homeworld at the first opportunity because the benefits of doing so are just too great(particularly if you happen to have Discoverer + Alliance Research perks that add 10-15%). Increasing this limit to 193 would make your starting Homeworld far more competitive as this would put it just under the average for slot 6(194), while being above slots 10(187) and 11(173). Slots 7-9 are still above that(ranging from 198-204) but that's not as big of a gap as we presently have now with 163. The only issue with my suggestion is that it surpasses what is possible for Slot 12 since the maximum is 186. Outside of that, I can't foresee any real issue that would prevent this from being implemented sometime soon and if implemented, all Slot 12 starting Homeworlds instantly become BiS. Besides... it's not like anyone hasn't used the +Planet Field item to permanently increase their Planet beyond what is possible. All I'm asking for is a better/more competitive start.

  • I mean I consider 193 to be more than fair because my initial thought was to set the starting size to the maximum allowed based on what slot you happen to spawn in. Namely if you started in Slot 4, your starting size would be 208. Get lucky with Slot 8 and you're rewarded with 252. Ditto Slot 12 with 186(plus w/e Universe modifier there is for Planet fields). Basically, you'd get a golden roll depending on your spawn location. This would give you virtually no reason to abandon your Homeworld unless you wanted to try and squeeze an extra 10-15% via Discoverer + Alliance Research perk(granted this requires you get lucky on the re-roll).