Top 06 - [TOT: 575.267.856.000] stylez [CLEANERS] & Tegridy [CLEANERS] vs. Malicious [STRYKE] (A: 90.635.814.000, D: 484.632.042.000)

  • interesting but since i've into mali's situation right after merge, i say it'd be the same issue.

    (i'm just assuming, so don't call on me cheating etc blah blah things)

    there was a time that I got ninja in first 2weeks of merge.

    i saw def came on and i hit recall, my fleet still got crashed, cr showed up few mins after

    and my fleet disappearing from the overview in few mins.

    yes they were returning. even def was curious what happened as he saw me sending safety probe and etc.

    the def(don't say who he is but he still plays) didn't post the hit so no one can bring it back.

    here's my theory.

    the main server lagged/had issues like the recent server down.

    generally speaking, players experiencing different lag time

    Mali might have recalled/deployed in time "from his point of the view" but the data wasn't sent to the main server on time -> Boom.

    Something happened and fleet got duplicated(Some know how it happens but i have no idea how it happens. but happened few times in many servers in the lasts 3months/before i left; fleet only duplicates when there's a bang)

    But the bottom line is...

    I assume v0ldy and Yildun GO probably spent good amount of time going through the logs over the weekend and came up with this outcome as the post just got re-opened today.

    GG attackers, and fr mali if you're staying. (or join me in the wonderful life w/o ocrack where you can be truely free!!)


  • You are actually fairly close.

    It wasn't just v0ldy and the GO.

    CoMa was also involved.

    The final decision in these cases is always made at the Gameforge level.

    Gameforge are the only people who can remove the fleet.

    Believe me, as a GA in .org, I can assure you I have been on more of these conversations than I would prefer.

    If you want to avoid this type of issue, don't wait until the last second to fleet save.

    If you are online, fleet save at least 60 seconds or more before the attack lands.

    Or let the other player know you are online since you are not planning to ninja.

    Since you are online anyway, you will catch the recall time and be able to time the fleet back.

    If that was your plan all along...

    However, if you are going to fleet save in the last seconds of an attack against you, then you should accept the risk of fleet loss.

    Attacker - excellent hit


  • This entire situation happened to Hussars. He took it like a champ and never complained. Great sportsmanship. Now when this happened he didn't get banned until a week later. When he got banned he had two choices. To pay all the resources lost from the DF to the attacker which he had to come up with an actual plan for how he was to do so or be banned. Well he couldn't come up with the resources so he got banned. This is the same situation except for the attackers I assume got all the DF so he won't get banned but they both got their fleets taken. In the end atleast Malicious doesn't get banned? I mean thats something to think about. Hussars is a great dude and he probably won't be playing anymore. Fucking sucks.. but hey it's the "rules"....

    Warning: Disregarding of Rules (ban discussion) ~Queen Leo

    Anyhow ramble over, Great find! Amazing Profits! Outstanding performance! More to come hopefully soon!

    GLOTR Malicious, shouldn't be hard to do with that eco you have. :P


    Solo (FUN) - Zibal Top 4 In Memory

    Solo (FUN) - Yildun

    Solo (FUN) - Leda

    USMC - Semper Fi

    "Fight with a happy heart." - General "Mad Dog" Mattis


  • Accept the risk of fleet loss or accept the game is broken? Same same, but different, but still same. THE GAME IS BROKEN AND IS UNPLAYABLE. Stop telling us how to adapt to a broken game.

    Warning: Disregarding of Rules (upsetting the forum atmosphere) ~Queen Leo

    ~Thanks for the siggy Silverwind!~

  • lolllll they literally just told you to work around their bugs, and that they'd do nothing to fix it or make it right

    Warning: Disregarding of Rules (upsetting the forum atmosphere) ~Queen Leo

  • Okay, that's enough. This is a CR post and not a bash-on-OGame-and-Gameforge thread. Keep the posts on-topic, and stop with everything else. I will leave this thread open for now, but if this continues, it will be closed again.


    ~Thank you to my sig artist, fulmine0_1~

  • Accept the risk of fleet loss or accept the game is broken? Same same, but different, but still same. THE GAME IS BROKEN AND IS UNPLAYABLE. Stop telling us how to adapt to a broken game.

    Warning: Disregarding of Rules (upsetting the forum atmosphere) ~Queen Leo

    Well dont like stryke,Malicious especially,but Shady is right

    About hit,ist awkward to talk about something what maybee shouldn't happened,but did or whatever,crazy

    Big numbers guess congrats

    Malicious u can only :dash:

  • So now you all understand why I couldnt "FS" under an 11s lanx.

    The lag is now well over 10s before the game registers your fleet lifting off.

    Sorry the same bug got you Mal, its what is chasing guys like us out of the game though, this buggy crap.

    Anyway, while Shady's point is valid, I think its probably 15-20s before the hit before you can feel comfortable the "game" registered you lifting off.

  • the game bug did not get him. i have yet to see this so called screen shot of his fleet flying with 10 seconds left to go to battle. he fleet saved after the battle during the one minute lag. He is just trying to save face.

    gl in real life or if you rebuild.


    too many to count

  • Wow Stylez, great hit. Huge Numbers.

    There can always be a multitude of reasons things "happen"

    Broken phones, bugs, gremlins, etc...

    I would go on but i dont want to (Upset the forum atmosphere) ~MSR


    Thanks Disaster for the siggy


  • What atmosphere? It’s supposed to be a place to troll and cry and get called noob by God. It’s a badge of honor to get mocked here.

    Getting upset is the objective.

  • As someone who has spent a substantial amount of money supporting this game over the years, I find this to be an unacceptable response to what amounts to a game-breaking bug. I'm new to this issue, but the fact that we're now required to dance around a bug, one we've not been given an ETA on a fix, and one that can lose our time investment in the game (fleet), it seems like the player community is being ignored here.

    A better response to this situation would've been to allow this player to keep his fleet, and to make a commitment to the community that this bug will be fixed in the next release. Telling us to play the game differently, to accommodate bugs, is really not fair or an in-good-faith ask of us.

    "If you are online, fleet save at least 60 seconds or more before the attack lands." <- this is not reasonable. I've saved my fleet plenty of times in the <60 second mark. Since you're telling us GF cannot now, for whatever reason, guarantee the game recognizes fleet activity that occurs at <60 seconds, why should anyone bother fleeting in this game until this is fixed You're essentially admitting a core mechanic of the game is faulty and there may not be an immediate fix for this. We deserve better than this response. I recognize you may be trying to help the community here, but I think this particular statement has done us more harm that good, in this context.

    @Queen Leo, I'm making this post in good faith and because I know you value Ogame as much or more than I do. Feel free to move/remove this post, but please recognize that those who love this game (and have loved it for 10+ years, are very disappointed by this particular statement)

  • the game bug did not get him. i have yet to see this so called screen shot of his fleet flying with 10 seconds left to go to battle. he fleet saved after the battle during the one minute lag. He is just trying to save face.

    gl in real life or if you rebuild.

    Yall flew and it paid off, and thats outstanding. The idea that you'd dismiss the reality because I don't have a screenshot of a legit fleet save is the only thing I have an issue with. Do you take a screenshot every time you save your fleet? Why would I think I'd need to do that prior to this hit? After this hit, sure. Hell it seems like it would be prudent to just straight up record 24/7 of everything you do in this game, since there are clearly so many issues with server-side lag and admin visibility into things. Thats just a new reality of Ogame it seems.... screenshots or it didn't happen! You've seen plenty of bugs and issues with lag, lets not go around making wild accusations just because 'proof' isn't available that frankly, NO ONE would have. I suppose thats a lesson for everyone, haters gonna hate, even when you are the one that lost the fleet lol... We should all consider rolling OBS on ourselves all day, just because you never know when somethings gonna happen and that clip might be your only saving grace. Fleets disappear.... Random outages cause locked hits to just be nullified... on and on...

    Regardless, yall saw a window, and you flew on it, even though I logged, I took the risk of letting it get so close to mess with you and I paid the price for that useless arrogance. You took the risk of flying on a chance you'd land it, and you did. Congrats and enjoy your profits. The great O-Game rolls on. Cheers


  • Add that to the list of items in this hit that you got wrong my friend. I went vmode as soon as my recalled fleet save landed. Your 57Bn was scooped in one hit, and certainly not by 6,000 recyclers that could barely fit what, 250M or something? Thats what you get when you just assume and post "facts" rather than use your noddle :P


  • Add that to the list of items in this hit that you got wrong my friend. I went vmode as soon as my recalled fleet save landed. Your 57Bn was scooped in one hit, and certainly not by 6,000 recyclers that could barely fit what, 250M or something? Thats what you get when you just assume and post "facts" rather than use your noddle :P

    Maybee Artemis did :lol:

    Anyway gg attackers


  • Malicious can't say : Congratz

    It's nice fair play

    I lost my fleet because Ogame bug lmao

    What a noob

    Trolling isn't allowed.

    - kewlness