[TOT: 633.342.000] Promo [GER] vs. RenoWar & Oxy [VIP] (A: 493.766.000, D: 139.576.000)

  • Oxy = liar

    Oxy = V.I.POO - lol, i know you have seen the video......im too noob to post a video in the thread. LOL

    "nobody cares"

  • You dont understand Promo what you read
    You must work Grammer Lesson

    I said
    If anyone attack you tell me for acs defend

    This is not mean "help me"
    And if anyone attack you,no one think acs defend for you because we are in war


  • sorry i dont understand your turkish-english

  • What you need to come for is an english dictionary, trying to figure out what you are saying is like trying to decipher a 13 year old down syndrome girl with 2 left hands

  • You know, Oxy you kill me, you come on here with all this ego and I don't understand why, your english is terrible and you look like a methed out mario, what happened to Luigi, sell him for a blast?, Stop trying to defend your self, you are a dirty player and a bad person in general, you only play ogame so you can ruin other players enjoyment, sounds pretty scummy to me, Ya I crashed people some time but I also offered to help other players so they learned something in the least from being crashed, when i phalanx whacked someone, i told them how to avoid it next time. Most people actually add something to a gaming experience and add something to that uni in general, you are just a leach, you take and destroy...and when you lack the skills to do it legitly, you will spend mommies money, you are a horrible player and a horrible person.

  • Hey all just a quick reminder to keep things on topic and not demean yourselves to personal insults. Anything too off topic, flame worthy, or disregarding of rules will be dealt with by me or the section's mod so please keep it civil.


    Thanks for the sig disaster :)

  • wow, cant believe you posted this and told everyone you flew with promo, recalled last seconds and get him crashed with acs defend :nono: , war or not, dirty hit is a dirty hit and that sticks with people in this game

    I dont think i would ever trust you since i cant even understand what you say 75% of the time :pardon:

  • I have no dog in this fight, but, I would have to say that a recall attack set-up is dirty as dirty gets. I've seen some backstabbing before, but to go to that level is borderline disgraceful. For what? A larger number on a hit? You must think long term, and long term is your universe being merged with another....and those players KNOWING you are a dirty, cheap player. If you hate someone, talk with fleet. Don't sink to the level of having to trick them like a coward to get them when you can't hunt them down yourself. Shame on you, Oxy.

  • This entire thread is gold. Really wish I'd started an account here now.
    Dang it, I'll just have to keep watch with a butt ton of popcorn on hand.

    Continue, gents.

    P.S. FR to all, especially Oxy's reputation.

  • We NEVER play dirty. X(

    But your words started to get my attention(!), you sound like you have a grudge against us.

    And believe me i won't be silent to that kind of attitute..

    Flying with someone and calling back his support and at the same time deploy other fleets at the target isnt dirty?
    It is dirty as it gets and if you guys arent stupid you know that.
    Promo is a good real life friend of mine and if i would see you Oxy i would punch you straight in the face for that.
    And please dont reply Oxy I dont wanna spend 20 minutes to get what you are trying to say

  • First of all, nice hit and FR to Promo, that isn't the point at which anybody should give up with such an economy of his. So heads up, it will be better!
    Secondly, I agree, ninja is a dirty method, I already suffered two of them only at THIS uni, and a lot before... you never know who are friends and who are close... but thats a legal method and style of the game.
    It's another question, if the ones who ninja'd you can't give you at least a short though about their motivation (yeah, I also was in the same situation many times, attacking someone who had a middle fleet and been ninja'd by another TOP 10 player, and no reason why... friendship? begging? crying? luck? that should be deserved for a I don't know 100-150 million fleet e.g.)

    And thirdly, I either don't like the egoist self-advertising here, but we are different... I also had my time when I posted the HoF all around even with my last little hits... but I grew up :) no need to posting to be proud :)

  • Hello everyone..

    Well, I left Ogame but I have to comment that post because there are so many things that anyone said.

    I play for some months and I have the pleasure the know Oxy and 1 or 2 members of VIP alliance. Just to make it clear, they are all great and fair guys.

    Promo, about you, I only have to say that farmville is on facebook dude.
    Be a top 1 is more than stay out of fights, mine, and fleetsave until the next day. There is no dought that Oxy deserve the top 1 (you can see it by checking his posts on the forum).

    About Oxy attitude: how can promo ask something like that? Ask Oxy to attack his people? LOL that's madness dude.

    As I can see Oxy did the right thing, and you too promo (by delete your account. Now you can play farmville :) )

    Continue with your great job Oxy. I left the universe but I am not dead, so I will check your posts :D

    See ya :missile:

  • low of the low. i didn't realize oxy could hit such low, but i was proven wrong. such a shame he deleted his account. karma will follow you. ive seen it for the 10 years of playing this damn game.

  • It's not really my business but I'd like to say that regardless of Oxy did in this situation, he really couldn't have gotten out of it without being called dirty.

    He did what he did and he'll have to live with the consequences, but if he went ahead and hit his own alliance mate, I personally think that would have been even worse.

    For the record, if anybody comes to me with a plan to hit another BIGDAWG, I will most likely do the same thing.

    After all, it IS a war game. If you guys are truly angry about this, you should avenge Promo and declare war against VIP and knock them down a notch ;)

  • Reno, Things were really bad in the Japetus....

    English lesson:


    How to say "pirar na batatinha" in english?

    R.: Boggle the mind or mind–boggling.

    Pirar na batatinha = ficar confuso; perder o raciocínio lógico; surtar.

    Meaning: lose the logical thinking; something hard to understand and/or comprehend; sometimes something confusing or shocking, causing a big effect on the mind.

    E.g.: I boggle my mind every time I study Chemistry!


    Any coincidences...