canghai[PAC] -vs- Ravenholm[N/A] ~(TD: 25,88 G) - Part 2/2

  • As was stated, the hit was meant to improve one account.

    First off, my friend plays the account. Wanted to become a miner just to play in the universe with me. After many years of playing he wants to end peacefully on a mining note. After talking about plans for the future and the possibility of me having to leave early from the universe to fight for military, my friend suggested we accelerate the plan by giving me a big DF and relieving him of a responsibility of a bigger fleet. With that said, everything was within the rules and legal. I talked to two GOs about it to make sure we were okay to do so. I was offered the bigger account if I wanted and wanted to stay where I'm at. Ironically, many people here accepted accounts from others and don't see that as bad. I fail to see how what I did was bad either. It's speeding up the account growth, yes. But, so are moon shot accounts that I know exist and many other features. So, as far as feeling bad about it, I don't.

    To address the DF, I didn't secure it all. The growth I have was including a lot of my own res. If you look at the growth I had before everything you'll see my growth was minimal. That's because I was saving my res to build mines on my account. When the got happened, I combined that with my res. All of which is able to be inspected. I missed 700mil plus of DF, I suspect Whosyourdaddy but I'm not sure. See you all around.

  • Wait this is legit?

    next uni on .us im in , lets cheat lmao

    lol it's not cheating -- if the player is above the other at the time of the hit it's pulling, not pushing. Simple as that. There is no problem here. Just buddies playing the game and using someone's massive turtle to give res from one to the next.

    Sig brought to you by ma boi DISASTER. Keep it real.

    "We're more than just a people or an army. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we can certainly kill you."

  • Wait this is legit?

    next uni on .us im in , lets cheat lmao

    I'm down if you are. But yeah, honestly your opinion doesn't matter to me. You're a person on a game that I've never heard of and I'll never meet. If you think I'm a cheater, come and take it up with me. I'm not trying to be mean or disrespect you. If you think its unfair, take it up with gameforge. I've been playing since uni1. I've seen the introduction of bombers and battlecruisers... Officers and pay to win. At this point I could care less about defending myself to you or any others. I'll see you around.

  • I wish I had a turtle shell like Ravenholm, fleet saving is expensive.

    Why are some people upset when no rules were broken?

    I personally think it was a bad decision but hey people are free to make bad decisions in ogame as long as they don't break the rules.

    Canghai could have built up storages on one planet, used a little dark matter from expeditions to bargain at the scrap merchant and that would have given him a lot more res (including deut) compared to a debris field. Canghai could have used the res from scrap merchant for mines or transported the res to a lower ranked player.

  • on .org if higher ranked player sends to lower, and if in next (72?) hours lower ranked gets higher then higher ranked players thats ban :ban:

  • This is Queen's section and she'll moderate anyway she likes, but I'll throw this out there... Cheating accusations (right or wrong, true or false) are a violation of the board rules. We understand how people can feel on divisive issues but please keep the rules in mind :happy:

    It's sad to see such a fleet crash and burn but I'm sure its a relief to some people lol

    I make signatures

  • The sad part is this is the hit that PAC will be remembered for IMO, not the impressive fleets they crashed, but the impressive fleet they lost.

    Enjoy the resources Famine and I hope we have a merge soon.

  • The sad part is this is the hit that PAC will be remembered for IMO, not the impressive fleets they crashed, but the impressive fleet they lost.

    Enjoy the resources Famine and I hope we have a merge soon.

    Ok...I would not have done this if it were my account but I'm really unclear as to why people are saying this was under-handed or pushing. It was nothing of the sort. A stronger player decided to give his fleet in resources to a weaker player. That's it. Simple.
    The fact that both players are relatively strong in the universe changes nothing. Its not pushing. It's not underhanded. It's pulling, plain and simple.

    It is interesting that people trade for significantly larger accounts all the time and most people seem to see that differently. In this case neither player wanted to give up their prime account but one did want to stop fleeting. So instead of trading the fleeter Canghai gave a weaker player 30% of his fleet resources. What's the problem now? What rule needs to be made to prevent this unfair practice?

    Well I have no-comment to your idea but I can read a good Pyongyang style english here. :beer:

    Look someone laught at PAC, bite them Rake bite! (LOL) :giggle:

  • on .org if higher ranked player sends to lower, and if in next (72?) hours lower ranked gets higher then higher ranked players thats ban

    .org has been somewhat infamous for the lack of logic in their rule making as of late. So seeing that rule doesn't really surprise me. Also the rules are different depending on the community you play in. So you referencing .org's rules doesn't do much good here.

    Signature by Disaster

    Retired to Spam Planet. :cool2:

    SANE! You say I'm no longer sane? What ever gave you the impression that I was sane to begin with? :crazy:

  • I just wanted to give a shout to everyone out there. Just so you know I'm here if you have any questions or concerns regarding any issues with the rules. Hop on IRC, submit a ticket, throw me a board PM, there are so many easier and correct ways to give your opinion instead of writing it on the boards.

    I can only assure you that I, and everyone else in the game team, is giving their best in order to prevent higher ranked players to gain unfair advantage from lower ranked accounts.

    It's really a shame to see such a big fleet down, and to Ravenholm, what a turtle I'm impressed :thumbup:

  • Moved to top ten. Thanks to DISASTER and Goran for trying to maintain order while I was tied up at work. If anyone else has a problem with this hit, please submit a ticket and have the GO for Uni 1 look into it. Thanks!


    ~Thank you to my sig artist, fulmine0_1~