RoGuE[REAPERS] -vs- Raz10[Wahr] ~(TD: 449 K / GAIN: 168 K)

  • It seems kind of funny to be posting these tiny hits, but hey, since everyone else seems to be.......why not. :popcorn:

    GLOTRD. :thumbup:

    Attacker RoGuE
    Large Cargo.... 5
    Cruiser.... 16
    Battleship.... 20


    Defender Raz10
    Small Cargo.... 4
    Large Cargo.... 1
    Light Fighter.... 5
    Heavy Fighter.... 8
    Cruiser.... 6
    Battleship.... 1
    Espionage Probe.... 3
    Rocket Launcher.... 20
    Light Laser.... 16

    1 second later:


    Attacker RoGuE
    Large Cargo.... 4 (- 1)
    Cruiser.... 16 (- 0)
    Battleship.... 20 (- 0)

    Defender Raz10
    Small Cargo.... 0 (- 4)
    Large Cargo.... 0 (- 1)
    Light Fighter.... 0 (- 5)
    Heavy Fighter.... 0 (- 8)
    Cruiser.... 0 (- 6)
    Battleship.... 0 (- 1)
    Espionage Probe.... 0 (- 3)
    Rocket Launcher.... 0 (- 20)
    Light Laser.... 0 (- 16)

    Defender Raz10 destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured: 37.867 metal 21.257 crystal, and 11.381 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 12.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 437.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 74.400 metal and 35.100 crystal.

    The chance for a moon to be created is 1 %

    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 168.005
    The attacker lost a total of 12.000
    The defender lost a total of 437.000
    Total Damage: 449.000

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference