Does your alliance have it's own FORUM?

  • For an alliance to have it's own forum such as this forum you are looking at now is a underrated thing.

    For one you can disseminate information to your members privately, not repeat yourself over and over. You can take polls on specific ideas or actions without having to catch each member online.

    You can have sections such as...


    -Alliance General Discussion-
    -How to's-


    Such as how to post hits in the OGame forum with copied images showing exactly how.

    And much much more!

    I have the following forum and there is room for many different alliances (As long as it doesn't get to big for me to manage) I would be willing to host yours as well, it can be found at

    If you go to the site you will see a generic forum that is for Guest to use, the Klingon Empire forum is not even visible to you because you are not in TKE.

    This would be the same for your alliance as well no one would be able to access it except your members :)

    If you are interested in something like this contact me directly and we will discus your needs and how you would like it laid out.
