Sad news

  • Hey guys, it's Firebrandtb. I think my account is still banned and my brother stayed logged in to the boards I figured I'd do it this way.

    Iso, Matt, died last night. We don't know the exact cause, but as many of you know he was sick for quite a while. His girlfriend found him in the shower of his apartment. You guys know as well as I do how much he enjoyed the game and how much time he had spent. Not many of you liked him but all of you know how good he was at the game and those of you who did like him just know he was fond of you too.

    There was no note and he didn't leave a will behind. I'll probably drop in on his account once in a while to keep the memories alive. Just remember him how he would have wanted to be remembered. A giant :censor: troll

  • I didn't know him, but I am sorry for your loss. Sad to hear that about another player.

    Thanks for the awesome sig, Disaster!

  • My condolonces, sorry for your loss

    "If it's 1 or a 1000 sins you're still getting sent to Hell.
    So why not go for 1.000.000 sins and go down there as a legend"

  • It is a big loss too all of us. My prays go out to you and your family.

  • Never knew him, but its a sad day when the community loses one of its own. My condolences, I hope you and your family celebrate in remembrance of the good in his life.

    Thank you Disaster for the awesome sig!

  • Not sure whether to believe this or not. This is the account of the guy who joked about having cancer and a plethora of other crap to piss a lot of people off. But if it's true then my condolences to your family. Death's not to be made light of and I hope this isn't another twisted joke...


    Thanks for the sig disaster :)

  • Not sure whether to believe this or not. This is the account of the guy who joked about having cancer and a plethora of other crap to piss a lot of people off. But if it's true then my condolences to your family. Death's not to be made light of and I hope this isn't another twisted joke...

    Yeah, turns out it wasn't a joke.

  • Please let us know when and where the funeral will be so that those who care can come say their final words. If, instead, it will be a private, family event, please let us know as well. We will send our condolences to his parents directly. For anyone that doesn't have his parents address, please message me privately and we can work together to send something nice to the grieving parents.

    Disaster impacts all.

    I don't hunt players.
    I don't hunt fleets.

    I hunt Barym.

  • Awwww Man, that really blows. I knew ISO well, mostly on the receiving end of his big stick. :-). I will miss having him around to be sure. We all have our differences at times, but at the end of the day it`s still just a game.

    Too bad, in Seafight we used to have memorial drive by`s with all our ships, too bad we can`t do something like that here.

    God Bless You ISO and Safe Journey

  • Ok so so sorry about this

    But being the troll Iso was me and Elusion have been looking into this death.

    So far we have found no record of his death.

    Death records are easy to obtain FYI they are not private.

    Our suspicions are high.

    If in fact we are incorrect and records of his death do show up.

    Must resist getting banned.

    Wont say any more.

    Investigation continues.

    Many thanks to Atina for the sig

  • He isn't dead, I used to have him on facebook, until I deleted him, anyways I messaged one of his real life friends and he's very much alive, they were just as confused as we are.

    Thought you'd like a heads up



    Thank you Atina for the amazing signature.

  • He isn't dead, I used to have him on facebook, until I deleted him, anyways I messaged one of his real life friends and he's very much alive, they were just as confused as we are.

    Thought you'd like a heads up


    So perma ban now that we know this was a bunch of crap? Of course that will probably be rolled back for no reason like last time. :dead: :dead:

    Signature by Disaster

    Retired to Spam Planet. :cool2:

    SANE! You say I'm no longer sane? What ever gave you the impression that I was sane to begin with? :crazy:

  • If this has been made up, I can't even begin to say how messed up this is. If you made this up you are a bottom feeding piece of scum.

    Thank you Disaster for the awesome sig!

  • So far as I'm aware there is nothing illegal (board wise) about lying about yourself being dead. I suppose it would be spam....and certainly weird and uncool. What disaster said though...we're watching and will address this however admin decides to address this.


    "None could guess my confusion, my host of deluded illusions and elusive delusions! A mantle of marble hiding a crumbling core of sandstone. See how they stare at me, wondering, all wondering, at my secret wellspring of wisdom..."

  • Hey guys, it's Firebrandtb. I think my account is still banned and my brother stayed logged in to the boards I figured I'd do it this way.

    So far as I'm aware there is nothing illegal (board wise) about lying about yourself being dead.

    Apart from account sharing .....

    Unless I can let a potentially banned person use my board account to write messages ...... if so then I am sure a few people will want their accounts unbanned for this reason :rulez: - Rank 36 - V mode warrior - Rank 3 - Miner Noob
    Old School - Pride In Building Accounts From Zero

  • :closed:

    I know there has been a lot of anger about this thread both community and staff, but if this thread is true i believe we should set aside our emotions about the person, give respect to a person that has died. The time frame given for the multi is now up and the thread is locked.


    Thanks DISASTER

    Old School - Pride In Building Accounts From Zero