
  • What advice would you give to any player starting/moving into Barym or OGame in general?

    Mine would be: Ogame is all fun and games until you start posting on the boards. Stay off the boards until you are super confident of your abilities and skills as a fleeter.

    I've known many newbies to get taken out because they start to get comfortable with the boards

  • I agree, in generally I rarely post hits on the boards. Keeping your fleet hidden and limiting attention to you will allow you to keep your fleet. In the end if you draw enough attention and people want you bad enough your fleet will be taken.

    Secondly, when you are hit take time to analyze why so you can become a better player. Learn from those around you exept ISO :stick:

    As far as Barym goes, become a miner and techie until you reach top 200. Work your infrastructure, nanites, and moons. Raid inactives like mad and once you get to a point where you want to fleet make sure your fleetsave strategy is sound.

  • Build defense until people stop attacking you regularly, then just build mines.

    After a while learn how to send an attack, recycle debris and how to fleetsave.

  • Great points all around. I've used these concepts and have really benefited from them while starting off in many different universes.
    Great to see the willingness to share experience and personal opinions.

    BTW: Wolfy and ISO are both total noobs :hijacked:
    lmao :whistling:

  • Raid inactives Raid inactives Raid inactives
    Mine Mine Mine
    Moons Moons Moons


    Sell me Deut
    Sell Me Deut

    Build a fleet somewhere after moon, so you can keep it safely deploy moon to moon for a real Fleet Save.


  • I'd also say stick to battleships as your main fleet type until you get moons. Get to the point where you can build a moonshot a day and start pumping them out

  • If you are a farm on Barym, you can submit a whine ticket to me and I will comfort you with kind words of understanding.

  • If you are a farm on Barym, you can submit a whine ticket to me and I will comfort you with kind words of understanding.

    This is the best thing I have ever read

  • :wtf: Take a quick look :search: a the Battleship and then look :search: at the Battle Cruiser, uses half the fuel and twice the firepower. Nothing better than BC's Fleeter or Farmer matters not! :monster:

  • Take a quick look :search: a the Battleship and then look :search: at the Battle Cruiser, uses half the fuel and twice the firepower. Nothing better than BC's Fleeter or Farmer matters not! :monster:

    That is not true exactly. Battleships definitely have their place in any serious fleet. As do battlecruisers and every other ship. As compared to battlecruisers, battleships are more powerful, cheaper, have more cargo space (though same per fuel ratio), are better in some turtle cracks, and better against RIPS if the target is nearby. Battlecruisers, of course, are superior in most fleet to fleet battles. Of course, I would argue in late game neither of those is even the most important ship. :wink2: But hey...I no nothing about fleeting. :biggrin2:


    "None could guess my confusion, my host of deluded illusions and elusive delusions! A mantle of marble hiding a crumbling core of sandstone. See how they stare at me, wondering, all wondering, at my secret wellspring of wisdom..."

  • I'd

    That is not true exactly. Battleships definitely have their place in any serious fleet. As do battlecruisers and every other ship. As compared to battlecruisers, battleships are more powerful, cheaper, have more cargo space (though same per fuel ratio), are better in some turtle cracks, and better against RIPS if the target is nearby. Battlecruisers, of course, are superior in most fleet to fleet battles. Of course, I would argue in late game neither of those is even the most important ship. :wink2: But hey...I no nothing about fleeting. :biggrin2:

    I'd argue against battleships having any place in any mid-late game fleet. Especially when we are discussing fleets the size that we see on barym, rapid-fire is the name of the game. To this, battleships add nothing. With the rapid fire component included in the other ships, there are much more valuable places to put your resources.

    As addition argument: if you want to discuss cargo space, the majority of fleets here are so large that they'll be able to carry away any amount of res. If you don't have enough cargo space, Small Cargos are go to ship to use to increase cargo space. In fact, many of the fleeters here use SC's as fodder! Storage should be of absolutely no concern.

    I would also really like to see some situations where battleships are better for turtle craking. I've done plenty of turtle cracking, as you all like to mock me for my preference of hits. I have yet to find any situation where using battleships is more profitable when profits are converted at a 3:2:1 ratio than LF+bombers.

    Disaster impacts all.

    I don't hunt players.
    I don't hunt fleets.

    I hunt Barym.

  • @Rog: you're right, battleships don't help much with rapid fire. And in most cases they will not be as useful as other ships in late game. But, IMO, the best fleets are well balanced ones. Certainly in my experience those are the hardest to kill. Every ship a tool, every tool its place.

    My response was in regard to a comparison of battleships and battlecruisrs. I'd also agree it does not often come down to cargo space and its not really the biggest difference between the two since its the same fuel ratio. But BS can be sometimes more preferable over BC if the concern is firepower and deut loss and not rapid fire. Most especially if there are rips behind the turtle. There are some cases when the defense is largely down after one round due to the extreme amounts of fodder used. In those cases the bigger punch and cheaper replacement cost can trump the rapid fire. As you know, sometimes your bombers are not needed in a turtle crack. 50 BC and he fodder will do. Take that same case.and add some rips. There are infinite possible combinations of defenses so we'll not go over endless scenarios but there have been times when I used tons of fodder and all my BC. Then resimmed and replaced mg BC with BS and I liked.the results better.


    "None could guess my confusion, my host of deluded illusions and elusive delusions! A mantle of marble hiding a crumbling core of sandstone. See how they stare at me, wondering, all wondering, at my secret wellspring of wisdom..."

  • About the battleships vs battlecruisers thing:

    It is not about the type of the ship, it's about how you use whatever ships you have.

    Fleet composition ratios and all those silly numbers and analysis of type of fleets are just empty statements that are only worth to win a speedsim contest or look smart in forum.

    Truth is that in the practice only two things matter when fleeting:

    1) If you have enough fleet to harvest any fleet you can afford to take
    2) If you have a fleet as big as possible for the cheapest cost, to be able to crash anybody

    Battlecruisers drink half of fuel than BSs, but it's value is nearly double in metal, and even worse, each one requires 40k crystal

    If you ask me... I would only build battlecruisers whenever I reach 100.000 LFs and 30.000 BSs

    The battlecruiser is just a luxury, something we build to maximize damage when our fleet is already one of the biggest around.


  • I'm literally trifled by this, fleeting advice for newbies? Tell them about mines and economy otherwise we'll have even more mindless gits roaming around the systems and face-planting in the nearest bed of water.

    There's nothing that can saddens one soul than another fleeter who can't fleetsave because the lack of deuterium. Plus they're quite a nuisance, -you know- when they quit due to their crap mines they're a pain in the bum to farm around, occupying planet slots and stuff.

    Tell them about how their planets should have a minimum of 200 fields, tell them to visit Ogame Wiki. Don't tell them to build battlecruisers before even explaining what fleetsaving is, because the morons will actually do it. And it surely wont be a lot of fun when some rank 1400 quits the game with 40 battlecruisers, 90 esp probes, 10k rocket-launchers, crap mines and 7 planets on the same system. I believe other things are of much higher relevance, aren't they?

    Share some common-sense, that's what most people lack.

    Viceroy Yhcrana,
    Ruler of his galactic systems.

  • I completely disagree with the "stay off the boards/radar" approach.

    make two accounts. on one focus on mines... on the other build a fleet n play with it as much as possible. get peoples attention, fight them, etc... and ask them questions as you go. most important question is what could I have done to avoid getting crashed? most people will be kind enough to tell new players these things(or refer them to a thread with the answer)

    familiarize yourself with the boards... the answer to 99.9% of questions is on here somewhere.

    engaging better players on a regular basis is the fastest way to learn(hands-on learning, if you will) The lessons will stick much better if they had some consequence. the better the enemy the more you can learn

    when you get to a level where you are competitive just forget about you second account and start fleeting with your first(which should have decent mines n techs by this time)

    EDIT: do not make the two accounts in the same uni cause you'll get the ban! but you should make them in uni's with similar rules

  • I would suggest get in with a decent alliance (the best more than likely won't take a newbie), farm inactives like crazy while working on a fleet/turtle depending what you want (I did fleet first, got crashed, then built turtle and rebuilt fleet) From there just watch your account, don't leave anything sitting that could remotely be taken, what I did for that was I took a sample fleet from one of the big fleeters (ej~) and simmed my res/defense against it, and if there was too much profit, I built more defense. Anyway, from there, if you are going to be a miner, build mines, if you are going to fleet, build mines. Once you get pretty set (all this time you are farming inactives) start working toward fleet if you are a fleeter, or start building more mines/turtle/cargoes/rips if you are a miner.


    Join a decent alliance, Farm inactives, make yourself as unprofitable as possible, don't get bandit early, FLEETSAVE all the time, and make some friends of higher people (sell them deut or something, but never insult them if they hit you). Also flying under the radar helps...but yea, that is my ogame experience and story. :topicclosed:

    Sig Thanks to PlumagedLizard

    I'll just destroy their everything!