*SOLO* utilfone [V] vs Heisenberg [Empire] (TD: 674.520.000)

  • On the day of 21.01.2014 19:01:28 following fleets have fought:


    simple spy and fly :idhitit:, gltor defender a nap here can be the end

    Attacker utilfone [V]
    Battlecruiser: 55.147
    Fleet value: 1.654.410.000 metal, 2.205.880.000 crystal and 827.205.000 deuterium

    Defender Heisenberg [Empire]
    Light Fighter: 36.022
    Cruiser: 10.007
    Recycler: 11.872
    Espionage Probe: 29
    Bomber: 277
    Fleet value: 440.776.000 metal, 184.257.000 crystal and 47.913.000 deuterium
    Rocket Launcher: 787
    Defense value: 1.574.000 metal, 0 crystal and 0 deuterium

    {--- After 3 rounds ---}

    Attacker utilfone [V]
    Battlecruiser: 55.147
    Lost fleet value: 0 metal, 0 crystal and 0 deuterium

    The attacker has won the battle!
    Loot: 3.064.677 metal, 1.418.045 crystal and 368.070 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 0 units.
    (0 metal, 0 crystal and 0 deuterium)
    The defender lost a total of 674.520.000 units.
    (442.350.000 metal, 184.257.000 crystal and 47.913.000 deuterium)

    Debris field:
    176.310.400 metal and 73.702.800 crystal

    Total Damage
    (A: 0 / D: 674.520.000)

    {--- debris harvesting ---}

    12600 recyclers have a total capacity of 252.000.000.
    At these space coordinates now floats 175.130.400 metal and 72.531.600 crystal.
    Your fleet has harvested 175.130.400 metal and 72.531.600 crystal.

    {--- Detailed loss/gain info ---}

    Attacker: 178.195.077 metal, 73.949.645 crystal and 368.070 deuterium. In total: 252.512.792.
    Defender: -445.414.677 metal, -185.675.045 crystal and -48.281.070 deuterium. In total: -679.370.792.

  • Roflmao...kind of. In less than 5 days this guy loses over 3kk points. I give this guy this account and my account in uni 30 .org as well. Then I see this guy offering to trade accounts for an io .us account. Newsflash buddy..these accounts arent worth crap if you let them get continually beat down. Dont offer a nap utilifone, continue the beatdowns. Nice hit, nice profit etc etc. Id say glotr but with you trying to trade these accounts away no rebuilding is going to be done

  • Roflmao...kind of. In less than 5 days this guy loses over 3kk points. I give this guy this account and my account in uni 30 .org as well. Then I see this guy offering to trade accounts for an io .us account. Newsflash buddy..these accounts arent worth crap if you let them get continually beat down. Dont offer a nap utilifone, continue the beatdowns. Nice hit, nice profit etc etc. Id say glotr but with you trying to trade these accounts away no rebuilding is going to be done

    I have to agree that is rather sad. If he is going to leave his stuff sit then screw the nap and just rake in the profits. :idhitit:

    Signature by Disaster

    Retired to Spam Planet. :cool2:

    SANE! You say I'm no longer sane? What ever gave you the impression that I was sane to begin with? :crazy: