rong [chn] -vs- fentanyl [speed] TD: - 443.100.000

  • At these space, as it came to a battle:

    Attacker rong (X:XXX:XX)
    Weapons: 160% Shields: 150% Armour: 160%
    Deathstar 42

    Defender fentanyl (X:XXX:XX)
    Weapons: 130% Shields: 130% Armour: 140%
    H.Fighter 227
    Cruiser 3.278
    Battleship 2.078
    Col. Ship 1
    Dest. 901
    Deathstar 25
    Battlecr. 2.017
    R.Launcher 1.444
    L.Laser 414
    H.Laser 3
    Gauss 32
    Ion C. 1
    S.Dome 1
    L.Dome 1

    After battle...

    Attacker rong (X:XXX:XX)

    Defender fentanyl (X:XXX:XX)
    H.Fighter 190
    Cruiser 2.813
    Battleship 1.777
    Col. Ship 1
    Dest. 780
    Deathstar 25
    Battlecr. 1.729
    R.Launcher 1.236
    L.Laser 352
    H.Laser 3
    Gauss 29
    Ion C. 1
    S.Dome 1
    L.Dome 1

    He captured
    - metal, - crystal and - deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 378.000.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 65.100.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 74.690.100 metal and 58.046.400 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 0 %.

    -- Created by Takana's CR Converter v1.955 beta - Dragon Takana --

    all debs harvested, i wish a lucky real life to rong :closed4:

    Edited once, last by fentanyl ().

  • one question..why would he send all that RIPs to attack ur moon?he tryed to MD it or this was planned goodbye hit?


    in space no one can hear your scream

  • first i sent rips for farming, after my rips returned isaw that he was coming for MD, i just defenced my poor moon

    i think it was a planned suicide:)