XSS & GrUmPy/Snworb/locoz [JPM] & TeX [WAAC] -vs- dadaniya [CHN] TD: - 840.714.000

  • Edited once, last by XSS ().

  • wow guys great fight!!!enjoy in that profits!

    and np XSS i was glad to help ya all with recyclers :D :D

    glotrD u will need it...


    in space no one can hear your scream

    Edited 2 times, last by ALIEN ().

  • Congrat.:)
    I think he escape from me:P : 8)) this desytoyed planet was between me and kropas :D
    U stole my target man! :D
    No doubt no 1
    One more time gratz :)

    Warning was given by Sir RosZignael
    Reason: Smilie spam

  • Amazing hof dudes =)

    Its a real pleasur to see my WAAC friend being so powerfull =)

    I hate this guy, dadanya, he try to catch me so many times this last month hehe ^^

    one CHN less =) gogo for the others =)

  • WOW!!!

    Thats a AWSOME hit guys and a GREAT NO1 hit for the uni!!! =)

    Well played to all who took part 8)!!

    Enjoy those profits!! 20kk each... WOOT!!!

    GLOTR Dadiyana !!

  • Already congratulated to few participants ingame,I will do it again,congratulations to all of the participants :)

    Biggest fight of US.(excluding the top 1 in u1 since its a planned goodbye) if I am not mistaken,correct me in that case :)

    One BIG CHN member down :) still in top 50...economy seems fine by the look of it ;) GLOTR if you stay with us Dada..it will take you a while..but worth staying if you ask me..

    What can I say..enjoy the profits guys,more then great cooperation and planning ;)

    And of course..no party without a good photo.. :) quite a big piece missing..but I managed to take a photo for memories :)


  • Wut a big uproar this was ....

    i'm sure all da planning, organizing, and lanxing effort ....

    made da reality of da "New" #1 HoF well worth it ....

    Congratz to my buddy Tex ... my somewhat rivals JPMs; Snworb, Grump, and lou ... and da not so distant stranger XSS ....

    u guys deserve a standing ovation ...

    returned hit on a blind lanx of his recall deploy ....

    much respect to u guys ...

    glotr dandy .... great mines u have still kept ya in da top 50 ....

    Master-X of SkyWorld

    Edited 2 times, last by Master-X ().

  • very nicely done everyone, good to see uni3 is still alive!

  • I stand ... and i give an ovation.

    Great job there dudes.

  • Very nice to see another group use some coordination for once. For the defender hope you stay around but next time leverage your alliance/friends for such a bold move. If you go lone wolf expect to defend yourself as the same.

    Very nice hit guys.

    Edited once, last by Jaxstraww ().

  • it was a pleasure flying with u guys especially on this new #1
    thanks xss and tex for inviting me for the hit and great job on the timing for dadaniya's return

  • Great Hit to All involved........

    Always nice to see Team work in action, and excellent Profits.

    Good Luck to the Defender and hope your rebuild goes well.

    I give a 10 d



    Special Thanks to Atina for the Sig and Avatar

    There are times it DOESN'T matter about profit and winning

    Just smashing and breaking stuff is all that counts

    That's The Game

  • OMG!!! The mountains crumbled, the seas roared, the skies thundered!!

    What a beautiful hit!!

    *Bows down to the smash team*

    Well dadaniya, I guess this means you can quit spying on me now, huh?

    Enjoy those sexy profits my babies and dadaniya, GLOTR!

  • excellent presentation XSS. congrats to all involved in being part of this new #1. wouldn't have been possible without yall. thanks for the flight XSS and JPM members

    altho this wasnt really planned in advance ... 1 day was good enough. very well planned and execution was near perfect. i couldnt believe either that dadaniya sent all his fleet in 1 wave. my guess is he wasn't expecting XSS and I to be part of it.

    im guessing a good 2-3 second return hit but only dadaniya can confirm this. glotr dadaniya, looks like ur economy is great. hope to hear from you.

    wanna dedicated this hit to all my WAAC members. yall doing great .. keep it up. and im sure Vorso will like this hit more :D :D. shout out to my SkyWorld peeps [MasterX, Outsider, Zfast, Macca].

    anywayz.. here are the harvest report.

    we missed 540.000 metal cos somebody was faster than our recyclers hehehe make sure u keep that safe :P :P

    and to the one who tried to send 684 recyclers to take the remaining of the DF ... i guess you're not fast enough

    Your 4.169 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 83.380.000.
    At the target 168.433.200 metal and 83.781.000 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 41.690.000 metal and 41.690.000 crystal.

    Your 90 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 1.800.000.
    At the target 126.743.200 metal and 42.091.000 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 900.000 metal and 900.000 crystal.

    Your 2.852 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 57.040.000.
    At the target 125.843.200 metal and 41.191.000 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 28.520.000 metal and 28.520.000 crystal.

    Your 1.410 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 28.200.000.
    At the target 97.323.200 metal and 12.671.000 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 15.529.000 metal and 12.671.000 crystal.

    Your 861 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 17.220.000.
    At the target 81.794.200 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 17.220.000 metal and 0 crystal.

    Your 717 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 14.340.000.
    At the target 64.574.200 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 14.340.000 metal and 0 crystal.

    Your 1.500 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 30.000.000.
    At the target 50.234.200 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 30.000.000 metal and 0 crystal.

    Your 2.365 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 47.300.000.
    At the target 19.694.200 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space .
    You have harvested 19.694.200 metal and 0 crystal. .

    edit: just received this from GrUmPy

    Your 27 recycler(s) have a total cargo capacity of 540.000. At the target, 20.234.200 metal and 0 crystal are floating in space. You have harvested 540.000 metal and 0 crystal.

    so ... 100% harvested

    Edited once, last by TeX ().

  • heh.. Sorry it has taken so long for me to comment on this.. Another one of those dang DR apointments that RL has thrown my way so often here recently..

    Well what can i say but this is the biggest and best thing I have ever done in my whole Ogame career in the years i have been playing this silly game..

    Let me give my Thanks to all of my co conspirators on this.. It not only worked but was even more friggin awesome than expected..

    As i have mentioned on these boards before Dadaniya and I have butted heads in this universe since the beginning of time. We were attacking each other with cruisers as soon as they were unlocked. This was due to our home planets not being far. Anyway we have had many bumps along the way that I guess he just finally decided to go for it and blow up one of his moons to come into my home system. I woke up to a shoutout from the alliance that his whole fleet was incoming to my home system.

    I sent xss a message because he and I have talked about teaming on Dandyia before and I wanted XSS to know the fleet was finally away from the gated moon. My thought was that XSS could take some potshots at him to help keep him stirred up and maybe make a mistake.

    However XSS who brought Tex in had much bigger ideas. They told me they wanted all of us to attack his deploy, force him into recall and then everybody with moons in the bermuda triangle that Dandyia tried to invade would lanx him like crazy and get a recall time on him.. Well we all came up with something really close to the same and XSS and TEX turned that recall time into the freakin awesome CR you see here..

    XSS TEX and my JPM brothers.. You guys are AWESOME.. he tried to sneak out of the house to get the Grump and the team manged to smash him instead for it. XSS TEX.. amaziing work on the recall... I was a little skeptical at first but the two of you made it happen Great Work..

    To the defender.. i actually will miss you some if you go. The challenge i got trying to work around you was alot of fun. One other thing you should know before you go though.. It was me who beat you to the Pansen moon. Your fleet beat mine by a second but i guess my recyclers were ahead of yours. :P

    Timid may be my new name.. but it sure aint my game

    Here to break your stuff.. First to fight win lose or draw and always Just Plain Mean


  • well deserved new number 1
    great teamwork
    over 9000/ 10
    lol :D

  • well even now he has not given up.. :P

    06-13 03:36:55 Space monitoring Espionage action
    A foreign fleet from planet Musketeers was sighted near your planet third . Chance of counter-espionage: 15 %.
    06-13 03:36:54 Space monitoring Espionage action
    A foreign fleet from planet Musketeers [] was sighted near your planet second []. Chance of counter-espionage: 21 %.
    06-13 03:35:54 Space monitoring Espionage action
    A foreign fleet from planet Musketeers [6] was sighted near your planet fifth []. Chance of counter-espionage: 0 %.

    18:50:04 Missile attack (6) from dadaniya ] on fifth ] Primary target Plasma Turret.
    18:50:27 Missile attack (10) from Musketeers [] on fifth [] Primary target Plasma Turret.
    19:14:37 Missile attack (8) from dadaniya [ on third [] Primary target Plasma Turret.
    19:15:27 Missile attack (8) from dadaniya [on second ] Primary target Plasma Turret.

    I dont know.. i think he is ever more mad at me now.. HA HA

    Timid may be my new name.. but it sure aint my game

    Here to break your stuff.. First to fight win lose or draw and always Just Plain Mean


    Edited once, last by -grumpy- ().

  • Another Chn Down.

    I saw his colony pop up in the night and watched it a bit.
    I was more expecting another colony to show up.
    So out of curiosity.. I started to lanx and caught his deployment.
    I couldnt believe it.

    So I send the warning out tot the troops to try and hit him. Either to let him land and make a mistake or to force him to retreat.

    Then I got the message from TEX and XSS. I had been hoping to have just JPM take this dude down but hey... I have worked with TEX before and him and XSS have some good fleets and it just made it much more juicier. How could I resist. We [JPM] always seem to find ourselves in the midst of making some outrageous hits. Like our night of Taking down two waacs in one night because they didnt realize my lanx was ready.. [No Offense TEX] Back to the point.. this is the first time I have been in a TOP #1 hit. The real credit goes to the guys that timed it. And it wasnt me....

    Good work guys...
    TO the Defender... you needed this and we all loved it.
    To JPM.. you guys are the best team.. love workin with ya!
    TEX & XSS.. the best neighbors.. [You can keep huntin.. this uni is shrinking]

  • Nice hit guys, fantastic job, just a shame i wasn't involved in it :D

    Good luck on the rebuild defender, still top 100, soo mines can get you back up in no time alone lol.