New alliance chat feature: Topics

  • Hi all,

    So I am a returning player who couldn't stay away from the OGame bug, I have been dabbling on an idea for a while and mainly it's because I know a lot of us here are part of the older generation and there either don't use discord or we don't have the ability to use discord at work to chat with our alliance during these times. There is, however, one feature that I believe could take alliance interaction to the next level: the introduction of "Topics" within Alliance Chats.

    So what I am suggesting is a tab with the alliance chat on its own and within this tab the members either always by default or with permissions set by those who can, would allow members to create individual topics where focused conversations can take place. Whether it's planning for an ACS, discussing resources trading or moon shots, or simply sharing gameplay tips, topics would keep these discussions organized and easy to navigate.


    1. Enhanced Organization: No more sifting through an endless stream of messages to find relevant info within the existing alliance chat!

    2. Increased Engagement: Topic-specific discussions could create greater participation from alliance members, even if it is only on the topics they wish to talk about.

    3. Improved Strategic Planning: Organized communication means better strategies and coordination, using topics for ACS missions or just trading, these topics would allow it to be facilitated easier.


    What do you all think, I'm old and ugly enough to accept all criticism.

    Happy hunting,


    Edited 2 times, last by I Am Groot: Added image ().