Old SKilled Ogamer Looking for acc

  • As the title states, after long long break, my heart and my soul are pulling me towards the game back.. the bells of fight, eco slapping, spying are ringing to my heart once again.. After playing it loving it and adoring it for straight 17 years back and forth, the game that made me so many memories, so many friends, overcame so many challenges .. Once again i'd like to step into the universe, conquer what i can and do what i must.. even tho a small community a small circle, i'd like to get an ACCOUNt if someone has to spare, i want to fight and climb once again for the sake of the time and memories spent in it! STarting from scratch would take tons of time for a gamer who plays with skill not with wallet, so if anyone has any top 50 atleast would be nice or higher acc, it'd be really awesome!

    Thank you in advance whoever you are who 'll cheer me up for the holidays , so i can have some joy playing this beautiful pay to win game again :)

    Best regards

    Straw Hat


    ** Straw Hat Pirates **

    -- "IF you DON't take RISKS, you can't create a FUTURE"  --

  • Good to see you again my friend. Hope someone can help you out.

    hey bizz aye, im having fun abit , but that old halley is kinda meh, so looking for better eco uni :) but i think new uni will come sooner then someone gives the acc away^^ even from gyrds :D


    ** Straw Hat Pirates **

    -- "IF you DON't take RISKS, you can't create a FUTURE"  --

  • I have a few prospects for you if bizzle can't help you, But they aren't big. And they are in lifeforms uni's. Free to me, so free to you.

    Kind regards


    Zapdar :pardon:

  • I have a few prospects for you if bizzle can't help you, But they aren't big. And they are in lifeforms uni's. Free to me, so free to you.

    Kind regards


    hey well woudlnt like t o start with 0 really, or so with something atleast, and what goes for Lf's , i love it, likei tryed lf.s in latest uni on org, i was blasting thro it eheh :D kinda fun addition to game honestly :) hit me up on pm what u have then will see :)

    Thanks kindly,

    Higher regards

    Straw Hat


    ** Straw Hat Pirates **

    -- "IF you DON't take RISKS, you can't create a FUTURE"  --

  • If i may re Update the tread, Still looking for an account, Miner types prefered, even old himalaia would be nice 10x eco plays^^ Thought holidays and spare time on vacations i can take even some decent fleeters one, prefr in some "half or decent uni" .. But since I'm asking for it i can't make demands it wouldn't be nice :) So i'd like one of those to happen^^ hehe THanks anyway! after long 16-17years of ogaming and while i still play on org and decently top ranked atm on one uni, i want to continue where i stopped on .us community also :) it was always competative and enjoyable playing here, so if anyone has any acc to spare or giving up hit me up on messages.. BUT please don't make new accs and stuff on board and try to sell em, i'm gonna repeat again "i'm here to get acc like a holiday xmass gift and not to BUY acc :) " thank you kindly!

    Best regards

    Miner aka Straw Hat


    ** Straw Hat Pirates **

    -- "IF you DON't take RISKS, you can't create a FUTURE"  --

  • Hey, any accs still out there? Would like even an umbra maybe or so acc? :) Can give some older org in return o had, not big ranks but something to play on :) i like the community here much better then there :))


    ** Straw Hat Pirates **

    -- "IF you DON't take RISKS, you can't create a FUTURE"  --

  • GOt an acc in umbra from random guys, so playing it nicely, tho IF ANYONE READS THIS... i WOULD WISH to get one more time back into HIMALAIA where i played year ago with my friends, so if someone has some decent HIMA acc, it would be more then lovely, my old scool and one of rarest memorys UNI! :D Miner prefered! :) THANKS BIG TIME!


    ** Straw Hat Pirates **

    -- "IF you DON't take RISKS, you can't create a FUTURE"  --