Posts by Blanco

    My word.. I started to hear rumblings that "a big hit" happened today in our alliance Discord. Started checking the leaderboards and pretty easily pieced together what went down.

    Emnoxage, I wish you well on rebuilding your honor points after this.

    Congrats on the absolutely massive hit to you both!

    a3, glotr. I'd assume the resources that were left (due to draw) will help those efforts.

    Ok gameforge just so you know we notice this - trying to hide the dreadful inactivity won't fix anything. It used to say "players online" and then a number on the Zenith button :D and how that's gone and I see "285" players... like what we doing here lol that's misleading like it's ok you don't have to take the online number away we all know it's dead and getting worse :D until we get new settings maybe

    we need changes to try and FIX the inactivity not cover it up just sayin

    I noticed that too and pointed it out in our alliance's Discord. I mean, I could understand to an extent (people could track when the most active times on the server are, etc.) but yes, it definitely hides the trending inactivity.

    Maybe if they changed it to say something like the number of active accounts instead of just the number of accounts registered? I guess at least they didn't just change it for us and made it an overall lobby change.

    Hello, I represent the 285 members of the Zenith community.

    285? Almost 2/3 of those players are inactive/v-mode. Latest stats I saw had Zenith at 99 "active" players but I'd be hard pressed to find that many actually being super active. We've probably reached the point of no return and a merge is likely inevitable, so it would at least be nice to see us get settings similar to a uni that we'll be merged into so we can play a little catch up before.

    Okay, I'm done with my rambling.. Mostly posting this to get future updates on the thread (and maybe generate some interest with a post counter, lol) :D

    Simple spy n fly, couldn't pass up all the deut that was sitting, as well as the crystal from the sats :D

    FR Defender!

    On 13-04-2023 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Blanco [UST]


    Light Fighter 4.000

    Heavy Fighter 1.000

    Cruiser 1.000

    Destroyer 200

    Reaper 200

    Large Cargo 850


    Defender Governor Yakini


    Small Cargo 1

    Large Cargo 1

    Light Fighter 1

    Heavy Fighter 1

    Cruiser 1

    Battleship 1

    Recycler 1

    Espionage Probe 1

    Bomber 1

    Solar Satellite 6.916

    Destroyer 1

    Deathstar 1

    Battlecruiser 1

    Crawler 593

    Reaper 250

    Rocket Launcher 18

    Light Laser 2

    Heavy Laser 1

    Gauss Cannon 1

    Ion Cannon 2

    Plasma Turret 2

    Small Shield Dome 1

    Large Shield Dome 1


    After the battle ...

    Attacker Blanco [UST]


    Light Fighter 3.487 ( -513 )

    Heavy Fighter 858 ( -142 )

    Cruiser 894 ( -106 )

    Destroyer 190 ( -10 )

    Reaper 192 ( -8 )

    Large Cargo 744 ( -106 )


    Defender Governor Yakini




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    17.277.875 Metal, 1.781.178 Crystal and 5.176.062 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 10.348.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 71.174.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 15.746.043 metal and 16.775.458 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 24.235.115 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 21%.


    Debris harvested by the attacker(s):

    15.746.043 Metal and 16.775.833 Crystal

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 26.596.918

    Crystal: 15.158.011

    Deuterium: 4.654.062

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 46.408.991 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -45.180.875

    Crystal: -34.890.178

    Deuterium: -15.338.062

    The defender(s) lost a total of 95.409.115 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 4.3.1

    I returned after about a 8-10 year hiatus and don't have spreadsheets but I've found various tools on the Tolerated Tools list to be useful.


    TrashSim (combat sim), (player stats), ProxyForGame & o-tools (various calculators), and OGame Infinity (browser add-on) are some of my go-to tools to use these days.

    Take this with a grain of salt since these have been recommended by others I play with on Zenith and may not be the "best" tools for your specific play style.

    Hope this helps!

    Small suggestion, but it would be nice to see a report with expeditions that lost the fleet.

    For instance, it would simply read something to the effect of:

    [INSERT EXPEDITION PHRASING HERE] (Black hole, communications lost, etc.)

    "The following ships have been lost:

    [List of type and number of ships lost]


    Large Cargo: 1500

    Reaper: 1

    Pathfinder; 10"

    Personally, I like to use a couple different expo fleet compositions at random and it's hard to remember which one I may have lost :D

    Got a spy report on this guy shared by an alliance mate and was hesitant due to flight time and deut cost, but my fleet hasn't seen much combat in a while either so... :D

    Defender kept the fleet stationary so no FS, no fleet

    Took bigger losses than I wanted, but had to keep the deut cost down some. 2 less RIPs out there as well.

    Thanks to Snowboarder mainly for rec support, but also some others in UST for helping coordinate this one!

    FR Defender!

    On 28-02-2023 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Blanco [UST]


    Light Fighter 15.000

    Heavy Fighter 4.226

    Cruiser 1.997

    Battleship 1.331

    Battlecruiser 800

    Bomber 455

    Destroyer 240

    Reaper 400

    Large Cargo 450

    Espionage Probe 1


    Defender lsyepp89


    Small Cargo 360

    Large Cargo 60

    Light Fighter 380

    Heavy Fighter 80

    Cruiser 50

    Battleship 50

    Recycler 60

    Espionage Probe 350

    Bomber 35

    Solar Satellite 150

    Destroyer 7

    Deathstar 2

    Battlecruiser 21

    Crawler 10

    Reaper 647

    Pathfinder 4

    Rocket Launcher 2.300

    Light Laser 1.150

    Heavy Laser 120

    Gauss Cannon 50

    Ion Cannon 120

    Plasma Turret 2

    Small Shield Dome 1

    Large Shield Dome 1


    After the battle ...

    Attacker Blanco [UST]


    Light Fighter 13.341 ( -1.659 )

    Heavy Fighter 3.820 ( -406 )

    Cruiser 1.854 ( -143 )

    Battleship 1.262 ( -69 )

    Battlecruiser 773 ( -27 )

    Bomber 443 ( -12 )

    Destroyer 235 ( -5 )

    Reaper 394 ( -6 )

    Large Cargo 412 ( -38 )

    Espionage Probe 1 ( -0 )


    Defender lsyepp89




    The attacker has won the battle!

    The attacker captured:

    884.247 Metal, 114.925 Crystal and 101.231 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 24.399.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 151.289.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 41.734.031 metal and 26.424.970 crystal.

    The attacker captured a total of 1.100.403 units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    The attacker(s) captured the debris.

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 26.792.278

    Crystal: 19.032.895

    Deuterium: -964.769

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 44.860.404 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -84.086.247

    Crystal: -51.819.925

    Deuterium: -16.483.231

    The defender(s) lost a total of 152.389.403 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 4.3.1

    Where to begin...? lol

    I think we can all agree that the activity ratio is abysmally low compared to other .us unis. How do we breathe some new life into Zenith while we either wait for a possible merge or just to get Zenith back to a "more active" state? I do think that the settings change discussion has been pretty active, though how do we get players who have gone on a "permanent vacation mode" or just straight inactive back into the mix? I'm not 100% convinced that solely a settings change will help get those players back into Zenith, as I'm sure many have moved onto newer unis.

    Personally, Zenith was the newest .us uni that was around when I decided on a whim to get back into OGame a few months back. Lifeforms have been a welcome change, even though I haven't developed mine as well as I could (yet :) ).

    Something I've seen in other games is a "welcome back" type of event/package, though I'm not sure this could be implemented in OGame as well. Basically, if a player has been inactive for some time, they can return to active status and gain some sort of "bonus" to help them get back up to speed and/or rebuild. The Tritium rewards "events" have been quite helpful, so I'm also not convinced that a "welcome back" type of thing may be needed. Tritium rewards are structured similar to what I'd expect in such a thing anyway, so it's more about the timing and how to implement. Maybe if there were some way to trigger a Tritium rewards chain once someone has entered "I" (30 days+ inactive) status and comes back(?)

    Just spitballing here so open to any other thoughts on how to help rebuild Zenith overall, especially from those more in the know on these types of things :)

    Agree with these settings!

    Edit: Except for the DiDF, I'd prefer for that to remain unchanged

    I am also good with excluding DiDF, but we could leave that to the polls :)

    For sure, an increase in the economy speeds will benefit everyone.

    I am leery on any overall DF increase, but I'm not sold one way or the other so may be best to see what the overall consensus is and adapt accordingly.

    Additionally, I'd also like to see "Probe Storage = ON" added to the poll. Again, I'm not sold one way or the other but it would be an interesting mechanic to see in action if the consensus vote agrees.