Posts by Mobius1

    Check the marketplace or send me a message if you want to work something out. I will gladly sell for metal, but I will need to also sell for crystal and deut to keep production going.

    I can currently produce 132 per hour.

    Restricting open access to the marketplace based on an arbitrary choice of one's success, is most certainly "punishing" those who are successful. There is absolutely no barrier to participation in auction, save for resources available to bid. Not that we've had many low-level accounts besides spambots in Uriel recently, but, I have seen <200's win before. I've even been one, and won over some then-Top 10. The big thing was catching/punishing scripters (Athena for instance). Certain people acting like an ass about the auction is more of an issue than "access" - and that can be sorted out through "diplomacy", rather than coming up with some new coding for the game.

    I do not agree with you on this.

    One of my fundamental issues with Ogame, now more than ever before, is the blatant amount of exponential growth, and lack of ability for lower ranked players to ever catch up.

    Establishing ways to assist lower players to progress more quickly, helps the top ranked players as well. It is in no way whatsoever a "punishment."

    On the contrary, since he is "top 20" (or Top 15 when adjusting for seemingly perma-vacation accounts), it shows him as a hypocrite. Were this to be some serious crusade for the noob accounts, I would have expected either no bidding, or something low. Instead, this account jumps in at auction start with a bid that may be prohibitive to a smaller account's participation.

    The auction is hardly a place for "lower ranked players to catch up". Regardless of how it's acquired, 10% Metal Booster on a 20 level mine is going to be a pittance of a 30 or 40 level mine's production with the same booster. At the very least the Import/Export seem to be scaled by means. Timing on auctions (when someone is not spiking it) is just as good a chance for any player to get an item.

    Again, I fail to see how this makes the OP hypocritical. I can't presume upon his motives here, but I see no evidence for you to make this sort of claim. Just because he is taking advantage of the system, does not mean that he agrees with the way it works.

    Just like any reasonable Discoverer will openly admit that it is an overpowered class, as a good example. They may be taking advantage of farming pirates/aliens themselves, but that doesn't mean that they they are a hypocrite to say that it is a problem. They are likely just taking advantage of the system as it currently works, in order to keep up with those who are doing the same.

    Anyways, in the end, as I said before - I don't really care much about his motives. I actually fully agree with him that it is a problem that really should be remedied. (Not that it actually will, lol.)

    I can't speak for his intentions, but his point is not invalidated because of it. Interestingly, if what you say is true, and he is top 20, then his suggestion would actually block him from being able to bid on them, so your information seems to not impugn his argument in any way.

    The game could use more incentives for lower ranked players to catch up, IMO.

    It's not punishing them. It's offering a bonus to lower ranked players.

    One of the biggest issues with Ogame, and why Uni after Uni dies constantly, is that the top players only get bigger, and ruin the server. The game really needs more boosts to help newer and/or lower ranked players a means to someday catch up.

    The problem is that not only has GF not learned this lesson, they've actually gone and made it even worse, with the Discoverer class and its expedition income.

    Again, you are too hung up on his suggested fix, rather than the actual issue which is relevant.

    If the items exponentially benefit people at the top, it is unfair. It's as simple as that. It helps the biggest players to get even bigger in comparison to the lower ranked ones, and thus it is a bad thing for the game as a whole.

    Items like this, if they were able to benefit lower ranked players, could be one way to help soften the gap. Instead, they only serve to increase the gap as they work now.

    You have completely misunderstood what the OP was suggesting. He in no way suggested that they should be blocked from the auctioneer. Simply that they be blocked from those specific boosters alone. And I can see his point and agree with his reasoning behind the suggestion. Is it the best solution to the problem? Who knows. But I certainly can see the issue that he is asking to fix.

    you are not seeing our argument. id only send bc on that one too. he is way weaker. if you only want an opportunity to have hits like that than yes, you only need bc. but you are not going to have the ability to maximize possible fleeting profits. when u have more experience and have played bigger accounts, you will realize what we are talking about i guess. this is clearly a waste of time and typing. good luck mate.

    oh and i am not trolling. i am speaking from a lot of experience and just saying the facts as i see them. sorry if i came off as a troll.

    I was extremely clear about my situation in my very first post of this thread. I think that's the most unfortunate thing about this whole thread, really.

    Are you guys recommending that building large amounts of fodder, and even a balanced fleet, is the best course of action for me now, or in the near future? I don't care if you have been a fleeter for 100 years, I am adamant that it is an inferior choice, based on real battles I fight every day.

    I did not post this to ask for advice for what is best for a fleeter that has been playing this game for years or even decades. I came asking as someone who had just started on a new server.

    What ultimately upsets me, and why I have been butting heads so much over this, is because I see the vast majority of people at all ranks, listening to this dogma, even though they may not even realize it doesn't apply to them, and building fodder, or a highly balanced fleet perhaps, is actually making them less effective fleeters, as is reducing their profits.

    Granted, as I have said in this thread, I don't necessarily agree that fodder will ever be worthwhile for me, no matter how large my fleet gets. But that is ultimately too far off to even matter to me anyways.

    Here is a perfect real example of what I am talking about: https://trashsim.universeview.…d1-483a-82da-969b1dec196f

    This is a real sim of an attack I can make on a player. It's only a 3.5m fleet that he has, so it's nothing fancy, but it's still decent profit if you can't find much else to do. There's a chance to lose 1 ship, but it's not likely.

    If you take this battle, and reduce the number of BC, it stays profitable for sure, but the deut cost is still worth it to send the extra ships (Just counting the 15k deut loss of each ship alone.). At 600 BC you'd lose 4 - Still a great profit, but not as great as it could be. But even with 600 BC, if you were to bring LF along, look what suddenly happens - you start having completely unnecessary losses for no extra profit.

    Sure, it's not some fantastic hit, by any means. But it's a good example of what I am talking about here.

    maybe you`re looking forward to 0 losses, I mostly look for profit, not interested in 0 losses if i need to consume way more deuterium just for a clean hit. But i`m not a fleeter, I play hybrid with huge miner influences, i don`t even mind when i get huge losses, if there`s enaugh profit to justify the losses.

    Yes, deut consumption is a huge factor in calculating profits in many battles. That's exactly why I value having high combat tech and lots of BCs so much. BCs have such absurdly low deut cost, plus they benefit greatly from combat tech vs weaker opponents, thus turning many battles profitable that otherwise wouldn't have been. Personally, I'm already equal or better to the combat tech of most top 10's on my server, so very soon I will out-tech even them. This does not bode well for the people I am raiding, because they certainly don't have combat tech that high.

    And on a 70% DF server like mine, deut is significantly more valuable, since people's metal/crystal income is so significantly higher than their deut income (Be they Discoverers or Generals.), making the resource levels severely skewed.

    Needless to say, there is usually a sweet spot where the deut cost of sending extra ships outweighs the extra profits, and in some of these situations I will go ahead and eat a small loss. But generally it's 1 or 2 ships. It's also why I have such a crush on BCs, since they cost so little to send (Especially as a General on a .5 deut Uni.). As an example, the cost of sending 1 Reaper, is the same as sending 4.5 BCs - That's pretty darn significant, and one of the main reasons I'm not a huge fan of the Reaper. If they had better RF, maybe I'd like them more...

    you dont even win the battles you are initiating. need to hit twice.

    I'd say a 3m loss vs 67m profit is pretty impressive for only having played on the server for 1 week at that point. But nice attempt at trying to troll me. Maybe you are one of those guys that will bring 10k LF to a fight you'd have had no losses in :D