[TOT:] Spartan [2-1-1] vs. Eureka (A: 154.310.000, D: 2.849.826.000)

  • Spy 'n' Fly. no story.

    GL defender.

    On 17-11-2015 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker Spartan [2-1-1]

    Battleship 50.000
    Destroyer 30.000
    Battlecruiser 100.000

    Defender Eureka

    Small Cargo 29.323
    Large Cargo 6.910
    Light Fighter 108.224
    Cruiser 14.102
    Battleship 645
    Colony Ship 2
    Recycler 23.142
    Espionage Probe 1.469
    Deathstar 38
    Battlecruiser 11.423

    After the battle ...

    Attacker Spartan [2-1-1]

    Battleship 49.494 ( -506 )
    Destroyer 29.668 ( -332 )
    Battlecruiser 99.030 ( -970 )

    Defender Eureka


    The attacker has won the battle!
    The attacker captured:
    69.283.166 Metal, 69.283.167 Crystal and 69.283.167 Deuterium
    383.568.693 Metal, 357.045.248 Crystal and 171.796.015 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 154.310.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 2.849.826.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 471.528.900 metal and 338.697.000 crystal.
    The attacker captured a total of units.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.

    Debris harvested by the attacker(s):
    471.528.900 Metal and 338.698.800 Crystal

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)
    Metal: 852.590.759
    Crystal: 702.037.215
    Deuterium: 178.549.182
    The attacker(s) made a profit of 1.733.177.156 units.

    Summary defender(s)
    Metal: -1.952.824.859
    Crystal: -1.492.328.415
    Deuterium: -524.932.182
    The defender(s) lost a total of 3.970.085.456 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 4.1.1

  • :thumbsup:

    also hello

    also nice shooting geeeeez


    Sig brought to you by ma boi DISASTER. Keep it real.

    "We're more than just a people or an army. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas—but we can certainly kill you."

  • Amazing! The account doesn't leave vmode for an entire year, and the first time he leaves vmode you skillfully snag him for 1.7 billion profit! Truly incredible, you must be the luckiest guy on earth! :modo:

    :bday: Thanks Disaster for the sig :bday:

    Hofs: More than you
    Advanced: A Lot More than you
    Super Advanced: More than you, but especially more than Frat :beer:
    But not as many as the number of times SRI has been top 10'd
    Rips Crashed: More than DegO :thumbsup:

  • lol thanks. i couldn't believe it was sitting myself. saw 39 min timer and moved deut and launched..

    Seems you are as bad at detecting sarcasm as you are at staying out of vacation mode when your facade of protection disappears :modo:

    :bday: Thanks Disaster for the sig :bday:

    Hofs: More than you
    Advanced: A Lot More than you
    Super Advanced: More than you, but especially more than Frat :beer:
    But not as many as the number of times SRI has been top 10'd
    Rips Crashed: More than DegO :thumbsup:

  • Seems you are as bad at detecting sarcasm as you are at staying out of vacation mode when your facade of protection disappears :modo:

    Wow..aren't you childish..its funny because i was in vmode a day before 211 disbanded and i came back and found everyone was all gone. the night i went into v mode was the night my wife and I was having marriage issues and that is way more important then ogame to combat you on MDing me since that is the only way you can take out my fleet and that requires no skill obv. i would rather work on my marriage and spend time with my wife then worry about fleetsaving or combating you and your toys my friend. relax..i will come back and play when i can and feel like messing with you.

  • Spartan.

    Talk is cheap. You keep dredging up this old hit/push like its your only accomplishment.

    Get out of vmode and fight me.

    And tip of the day Ogame is no good for a relationship. :pillepalle:

    Fight me ! *minigun*:missile:

    Many thanks to Atina for the sig

  • lol...okay...you can't take my fleet alone without friends so just shut up. try not to talk trash when you know nothing about me or my fleet. ill come out when i feel ready to come out and then we can play. i don't care about this hit. its the fact he is talking trash just like you are. im done. have fun attacking inactives nerds.

  • lol i could say the same thing about Pittman. Dude has been rock solid for 3 years with his fs then you crash half his fleet he goes to vmode for a day or two comes back and you mange to polish it off...but i would never accuse a mod or go of cheating...awesome playing

    You should never hit Yourself.
    You just might get hit back.

    Thanks to DISASTER for the siggy!

  • No i hit the full thing before but he vmode before i could collect the enormous amount of resources he had. He turned that into what i hit the other day.

    Many thanks to Atina for the sig

  • No i hit the full thing before but he vmode before i could collect the enormous amount of resources he had. He turned that into what i hit the other day.

    Right...two super advanced hits on a player that is really quiet good at his fs...doesn't change what I said...awesome playing.

    You should never hit Yourself.
    You just might get hit back.

    Thanks to DISASTER for the siggy!

  • Nardoon recently admitted on Skype to watching players for up to 18h a day and noting their activity 1-2x an hour. Certainly a lot more dedicated/no-lifer than I'll ever be (lol) and his multiple top 10s attest to that.

    He's definitely someone I'd rather be on the same team with if ya get my drift.

    Also, Pittman's been smoked in the past a few times and he's definitely hittable with his idling patterns. I've watched him enough in the past to know this but never had the right positioning, speed and deut to quite pull it off.

    Just my 2 cents.

    On-topic: FR def, yadda yadda.

  • Nah if it was a push he would have let me collect the extra 1.5 billion in res on the first hit including the 650 kk duet he had there still :crying2:

    Sorta still cranky i missed that.

    He did not expect me to hit him with such speed.

    Many thanks to Atina for the sig

  • i didnt say it was a push
    i said it looked like one
    Why would you post a push and add visibility to a rule break?
    I'll say it again...awesome playing

    You should never hit Yourself.
    You just might get hit back.

    Thanks to DISASTER for the siggy!

  • Your trolling needs more finesse, brah.
    Sounding like a cracked record on repeat, unfortunately.
    But go on, say how awesome it is again.


    P.S. RL > Ocrack, Spartan.
    A happy wife = a happy life.

  • Nardoon recently admitted on Skype to watching players for up to 18h a day and noting their activity 1-2x an hour. Certainly a lot more dedicated/no-lifer than I'll ever be (lol) and his multiple top 10s attest to that

    Zen whhyyyyyyyyy

    Dont tell people trade secrets :pillepalle:

    Many thanks to Atina for the sig

  • Can you please stop this useless discussion?

    No notice/warning this time, but calm it down.

    This post counts for *everyone*....thank you. :smile:

    thx to DISASTER for the sig! :squint: