The Rowdy Club [PAYUS] vs Black Pirates [Busic]

  • Lol de lord, since it's all so meaningless, why do you bother writing here?

    A little war update, I see that first of all Busic's biggest fleet has left the alliance. Such a shame. And Aladin, you really have no idea about the rules of war, do you? Changing your name means you automatically lost the war. But don't mind, the name you're using now is not yours to use, so we'll make you regret that.

  • Guys I watched your war CRs. Did you know that you MUST count the price of the IPMs on the total damage. That ain't free lol.

  • True, it ain't.

    I still can't stop laughing at guys who call themselves "the real payus" but don't know why it's "payus" in the first place, and then I see the setup of a typical miner with all the planets in one system. Man, you're calling yourself a pirate? :D Also, pirates don't turtle up with 16k rls. Now I might have been slightly intoxicated yesterday, but am not anymore, so let's leave all that smack talk for now.

  • There is no way we are against Busic anymore since they changed their name to Real payus. none of these hits count. War is over. If anyone wants to argue, Read the rules on alliance names during time of war. You can't change during.

  • lol..we done more dmg tthen u,,if u count the price of the IPMs but im sure u know that u fight 20 wars at once :cya:

  • It's not dead, it's very much alive, partially thanks to players interacting with other players. And wars such as this one.

    Come out of g2 aladin and we can have a nice little fun. It ain't my fault you don't know the rules.

  • clol i dont have research for another colony...u too scared to come here...nice war was this ...and u still lost in dmg points

  • Doesn't matter if we had fewer or more damage done. changing the name is an auto-forfeit. Unless someone can prove otherwise.

  • interesting, i'm pretty sure if you count the damage we are winning by a fair margin

  • I decided to do the research for PAYUS to prove it so.

    clol i dont have research for another colony...u too scared to come here...nice war was this ...and u still lost in dmg points

    Doesn't matter if we had fewer or more damage done. changing the name is an auto-forfeit. Unless someone can prove otherwise.

    Diplomacy and War Rules

    It is stated that the war ends when someone either DISBANDS, RENAMES ALLIANCE, OR THE LEADERS COME TO AN AGREEMENT. The war is ended sure but the former Busic did so by changing their name. Doing so is a cowardice move that shows you cannot handle the heat in the kitchen and you think you can avoid conflict with the PAYUS but actually by changing your name, it is possible for them to call war again as there is no clause stating that they have to wait a certain amount of time to war again. So, PAYUS, just a heads up, you can call war again if you want. So a sum up,

    Busic runs away by changing their name but because there is no clause AT THIS VERY MOMENT, PAYUS can declare war. Actually, PAYUS can declare war as many times as they want. Eventually, your alliance will be known to run from danger. A "running with your tail behind your behind" tactic. This means that damage you inflicted on PAYUS was wasted.

    Cheers PAYUS :beer:

  • I believe I should say now that the only reason I haven't locked this thread yet is because there's still discussion going on. I'm closing the CR thread though. If you want to re-declare war, be my guest. If a new war thread comes up, or there are no more replies in the time I feel is adequate to get a reply in to continue the discussion, I'll lock this thread too. Other mods are welcome to lock if they feel like it though.

    In my personal opinion, the side changing the alliance name is the losing party, as they're the ones running from war. No matter what they did.