Rogarn[Together] vs Irish[DPS](TD:514.056.000)

  • Here's a good way to start a day!

    On (21.03.2014 05:29:19) the following fleets met in battle::

    Rogarn -vs- Irish

    Attacker Rogarn

    Cruiser............ 10.000
    Battleship............ 8.266
    Battlecr............. 10.653

    -= V S =-

    Defender Irish

    S.Cargo............ 2.649
    H.Cargo............ 1.080
    L.Fighter............ 24.453
    H.Fighter............ 252
    Cruiser............ 2.660
    Battleship............ 2.726
    Col. Ship............ 15
    Recy............ 2.911
    Esp.Probe............ 794
    Bomb............. 2
    Destr............. 47
    Death star............ 2
    Battlecr............. 500

    - after battle -

    Attacker Rogarn
    Cruiser............ 9.461 . . . . . .(lost: 539)
    Battleship............ 8.185 . . . . . .(lost: 81)
    Battlecr............. 10.575 . . . . . .(lost: 78)

    Defender Irish
    S.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2.649)
    H.Cargo............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 1.080)
    L.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 24.453)
    H.Fighter............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 252)
    Cruiser............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2.660)
    Battleship............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2.726)
    Col. Ship............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 15)
    Recy............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2.911)
    Esp.Probe............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 794)
    Bomb............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
    Destr............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 47)
    Death star............ 0 . . . . . .(lost: 2)
    Battlecr............. 0 . . . . . .(lost: 500)

    Defender Irish destroyed.

    The attacker has won the battle!
    He captured: 7.751.694 metal 922.113 crystal, and 1.932.193 deuterium.

    The attacker lost a total of 27.121.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 486.935.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 134.585.600 metal and 61.526.800 crystal.

    -= Result =-
    (Assuming the attacker got the debris..)
    Attacker gain (-lost units): 179.597.400
    The attacker lost a total of 27.121.000
    The defender lost a total of 486.935.000
    Total Damage: 514.056.000

    -= Harvest report =-
    Your recycler(s) (10.000) have a total cargo capacity of 200.000.000.
    At the target 134.585.600 Metal and 61.527.200 krystal are floating in space.
    You have harvested
    134.585.600 metal and 61.527.200 crystal.

    Advanced bilance
    Attacker lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: ..............................179.597.400

    Defender lost.............gain..........difference
    Summary: .............................-486.935.000

    [align=center]Okay guys, I'd love to know. What do you prefer: Thigh gap Or thighmonds? Here is an example of the latter for reference.

    Disaster impacts all.

    I don't hunt players.
    I don't hunt fleets.

    I hunt Barym.

  • Lulz.......No excuses. Account was a perm vmode I tried getting up to speed the last 30-60 days or so I guess. You just missed the 100mm I put into astro or the res pull would had been much nicer. Been playing for 6 years and that is the 1st time been hit for any type of HoF. Well, I said a long time ago if an account is that unimportant that you don't FS properly or you play outside your normal play style you probably shouldn't be playing it. So on uni 1 I FS and on this much smaller account instead of staying up for the last 10 minutes I had left on moving res from one moon to another I decided to lay down for a few minutes. Frankly I'm embarrassed this account got tanked because of not waiting for 10 minutes.

    6 hours later and no fleet.

    I never blew an entire account previously so I set this one to delete in 7 days. I did the same to the Mizar account. I'm old. No time to multitask in Ogame.

    By the way........I know its a speed uni and all but in pro ogame you must send follow ups. You left me with 12mm in res which would have been an easy steal on a moon after a hit like that..........Lulz......

    Edited once, last by Jaxstraww ().

  • By the way........I know its a speed uni and all but in pro ogame you must send follow ups. You left me with 12mm in res which would have been an easy steal on a moon after a hit like that..........Lulz......

    I was a bit... preoccupied by a much more profitable possibility. I think we can all agree that crashing fleets is not exactly my forte.

    Disaster impacts all.

    I don't hunt players.
    I don't hunt fleets.

    I hunt Barym.

  • Agreed. that's what makes this all the more.......I always figured if I got hit and I'm talking even a basic 20% it would be by a player with name recognition. This is the equivalent of getting hit by Todd which makes me cry.

    No excuses for easy follow ups though. You could have freed up 2 additional slots unless the other profitable hit took 12 or so slots to crash and collect which I doubt. I was rank 450 or so to rank 30 and I had 13 slots. You should be around 18-20 slots I would think.

    So...don't make excuses for sloppy game play kinda like my FS. Just say "I forgot" to send and move on. Burns me up I pushed the move to that lower moon for no reason. When you spied earlier I was concerned with a MD and why I started a late night move of that deut so I could FS. I should have just FS and took the chance you would MD after seeing where it was sitting. Looking at your game style I gave you to much credit.

    Really bro, you going to troll your own "Fleets Demise Thread" and complain about the attacker having better things to do than send more follow ups? :giggle:
    Here, have a cookie :cookie2:

    Great profits, keep up the good hits

  • Who is complaining? He caught a throw away account I merged over which has been in vmode for almost 2 full years.

    He got the fleet and left 13mm of easy res....No farming run worth that fleet slot IMO.

    Giggles...Giggles....Eat a cookie. lulz......

  • He got the fleet and left 13mm of easy res....No farming run worth that fleet slot IMO.

    I was going after a hit that would have been the new number three hit for barym. I was very excited and forgot to send and extra round or three of cargos for some easy res. In comparison to the 900 mil profit that I was looking at, I think it's understandable why my negligence occurred.

    Disaster impacts all.

    I don't hunt players.
    I don't hunt fleets.

    I hunt Barym.

  • Awww you probe everybody? I was starting to think I was special :D

    Nice hits today