VOID Alliance

  • VOID Alliance is open to all active players, any rank.

    Alliance trade ratio: 2.5 - 1.5 - 1

    Alliance ranks:
    New Player

    Depending on member vote that will determine if Alliance is independent or will ally with others.

    Member Capacity: 20+

  • Thanks DISASTER,

    As members join, Member Online List will not be available until all get to know each other.
    We will assign someone later down the road to help with alliance page, logo, and accepting/rejecting member apps. [I have creativity issues]

    Mission statement can be added if anyone pleases, but need those members to fly in and we can get started.

    North Star

  • Void alliance as in this VA ? http://www.voidalliance.net/forum/

    That VA which I have been in for years past is located in ogame.org and spread to most all unis, you have the approval of opening an ally with that name ? or is it a fake..

    HOFS: 171
    ACS HOFS: 23
    NInjas: 21
    Top 10's: 12
    Advanced HOFS: 39
    Blind Phalanx Hit: 2
    Super Advanced HOFS: 3

  • double post, due to lag, mod please remove and thanks.

    no. you must live with your shame of double posting. :D -Rake

    HOFS: 171
    ACS HOFS: 23
    NInjas: 21
    Top 10's: 12
    Advanced HOFS: 39
    Blind Phalanx Hit: 2
    Super Advanced HOFS: 3

  • Void alliance as in this VA ? http://www.voidalliance.net/forum/

    That VA which I have been in for years past is located in ogame.org and spread to most all unis, you have the approval of opening an ally with that name ? or is it a fake..

    Completely different besides the spelling of the name.

    We have no affiliation,

    Alliance name: VOID Alliance

    Tag: VOID

    It's been brought up before by MSR, but no one from the alliance Void has came to me about any issues upon it. I'm not too worried about it because we'll have no affiliation.

    North Star

  • but no one from the alliance Void has came to me about any issues upon it.

    That VA which I have been in for years past is located in ogame.org and spread to most all unis, you have the approval of opening an ally with that name ? or is it a fake..

    Not sure if Chad or just being Chad.

    You could reply to one of my posts on the forums... Or you know just don't.

  • Well I will then rename alliance since it is going to be such a problem for people in this universe to comprehend that it has no affiliation.

    Moderator, for a second time.... :closed: this thread.

    Archive both threads in this sections...

    North Star