VOID Alliance

  • VOID Alliance is open to all active players, any rank.

    Alliance trade ratio: 2.5 - 1.5 - 1

    Alliance ranks:
    New Player

    Depending on member vote that will determine if Alliance is independent or will ally with others.

    Member Capacity: 20+

  • he forgot to mention that he loves to circ spam so be prepared for 20 circs about nothing. like seriously he will circ about his bathroom trips no joke

  • he forgot to mention that he loves to circ spam so be prepared for 20 circs about nothing. like seriously he will circ about his bathroom trips no joke

    It's all about taking new approaches.
    I'm not taking any criticisms from the works of the idiocy of some.
    Communication is one of my strong suit. Now 'going to the bathroom' is a tad bit excessive explanation of a described example :hmm:
    Maybe 'he will circ about how his day is going' What's the point of having an alliance that does not communicate. That's something .US servers need to understand. .ORG servers when I was apart of them few years ago, there was something wrong if you didn't have 100+ messages in a alliance of 10+

    It's friendship building, and a part of the game. If anyone has problems with communication then leave, no grudges.

    MSR- I messaged you, I had no idea there was another VOID alliance I'll come up with another name if necessary.

  • Let's not forget that joining the VOID alliance will more than likely get you bashed because the leader likes to do things like:
    MD the #1 player

    Warned for trolling.


  • Let's not forget that joining the VOID alliance will more than likely get you bashed because the leader likes to do things like:
    MD the #1 player

    Yes sir,

    We have an Internal section for a reason.
    And attention members:
    The above poster is the cause of many.. many problems Barym faces today.

    Buyingdeut destroyed 1.2kk points in defenses, and in any case sending the message that 'I don't like what you're doing here' with giving Moon Destructions to disable his G2 planet/moon, and if that message can be given and he can just hunt me/attack for legit profit. He also has earned a small respect of watching my activity, and actually being a real fleeter and not a bully with 3k rips, or someone with an attitude like you do Iso.

    So please leave this conversation because you are not welcome here, buddy.

    EDIT: I Don't think your image is my Moon Destructions. I sent at a different server time.

    North Star

  • There is something called Antigame that allows you to play the game at your own time

    All you ended up doing was tick him off and bring wrath to any poor player who joins you

  • There is something called Antigame that allows you to play the game at your own time

    All you ended up doing was tick him off and bring wrath to any poor player who joins you

    He is not your puppet Iso, you need to understand that players are not at your whim of control.
    I'm trying to make something out of the bitter remorse relationships you cause out of the game.
    Anyone who isn't you, or a predator is welcome to join the ally, and if it comes to anybody but YOU being a problem, there are things called terms we can deal out, but ONCE AGAIN, without (IsoBieber, IsoHank, IsoStorm, IsoAndo,) Matt, whoever you want to be IN the conversation, because if there is a problem or a issue it ALWAYS includes MATT in the situation, being a messenger of a paraphrased conversation because you wont get out of everyone's business when it is not about you.
    If you took a long 3 month + vacation or went back to "training" for the US Navy, then you would see a DRAMCTIC change in the relationships built in Barym.
    All my problems have been focused around you, you are my problem. Between going on chat sprees spreading your paraphrased/edited conversations around, filling constant misuse of false hatred around.

    Basically guys,
    It's an Iso dramatic situation at hand . Bark and no bite (unless he finds that 1 of 400+ probes he sends) of a poor sap who had to work late.
    I wish I could make a statement of the problem of hand, but the only people who would join in the agree are afraid of the dramatic situation it will bring them of the Isodrama.

    *I would also like to give an apology to board staff, I do not mean to go off-topic but I cannot ignore comments made, so alliance members understand the accusations made*

    I would also like to ask that there be no further post regarding the situations by Isostorm.

    North Star

  • I think you were the one kicked from together so...?

    I'm really only a PROBLEM to you and once I take care of wareagle in g1 I'm moving my mobile out to you and you will be dealt with.

    I don't have any puppets. That is Dr. Faust's job.

    You are just an account stealing scrub who has gotten too big for his panties because v1k1ng gave you his account. That won't matter soon enough

    EDIT: All the stuff you've said has been screenshotted at full conversation as to not "paraphrase" anything

    I haven't had to edit anything to make you look bad.

  • And that was provided by the efforts of you.

    You're notorious for lying, I don't need your comments because everything that comes from you is trash.

    I'm ready for you, if you really want to make it an even fight, stay out of vmode.

  • Hey Iso could you leave me out of this please? Cause I want no part of it. :goodn:

    Signature by Disaster

    Retired to Spam Planet. :cool2:

    SANE! You say I'm no longer sane? What ever gave you the impression that I was sane to begin with? :crazy:

  • Let's not forget that joining the VOID alliance will more than likely get you bashed because the leader likes to do things like:
    MD the #1 player

    I commend the action. About time people grow a pair instead of cozying up to the top fleeter accounts. Personally I think MD used in the manner they have been in Barym hurt the game, but as a retaliation action could be justified.

    Good luck to you and your new alliance.

  • Please do tell me about all the horrible things I am doing in this universe if you are going to bring it up :)

    Go on Chad

    Add some meaning to your accusations

  • Sorry I don't save chat logs, or screen shot every conversation for records to use against people.

    I have no reason to, nor do I need to prove anything because we all have a well thought out idea of what you do.

    Enough about you Iso, VOID Alliance hasn't been mentioned in a while. Let's go VOID Alliance!

    North Star

  • I know void ally is a large ally in uni35; not sure if that's what people are referring to...
    Iso do you need to express your opinion in every thread? Your attempts at trolling are getting old/pathetic :grumble:

    Super Advanced: 11
    Top 10's: 13


  • Closed due to creators request. If he makes a new one for the alliance, I will give you a friendly warning right now, any trolling will be dealt with severely.


    Andvari300/Marshmello Team - Shadyj09 & Haskell

    Marshmello SMod Sections - Universe 1 - Spica