kira is back (h-n) vs. St3v3-0 (Merc) 20% 19 k :D BACK IN UNI:D

  • just want to greet all players on unı 6:D
    There ıs no profit maybe ım in mınus. i made it only for funn and to say ''HELLO UNI 6 AGAIN'' :irulez:

    DEDİCATİON GOES TO h-n alliance:D SDSLords alliance,Steki As. Farmer thanks to Diablo and Ancho they knows why:D

    Take care of youre fleets unı 6 :Laffinhyenas: and learn how to make fs :trofexplains:

    At 05-25 03:13:28 the following fleets met in battle :

    Attacker kira is back
    Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
    Battlecr. 1.082

    Defender St3v3-0
    Weapons: XXX% Shields: XXX% Armour: XXX%
    S.Cargo 4
    L.Cargo 2
    Battleship 50
    Esp.Probe 80
    Sol.Sat 31
    Dest. 100
    R.Launcher 40
    L.Laser 226
    H.Laser 40
    Gauss 4
    IonC. 12
    S.Dome 1

    Attacker kira is back
    Battlecr. 1.023 ( -59 )

    Defender St3v3-0

    The attacker has won the battle! He captured
    290 metal, 205 crystal, and 1.572 deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 4.130.000 units.
    The defender lost a total of 15.290.000 units.
    At these space coordinates now float 3.012.000 metal and 2.481.600 crystal.
    The chance for a moon to be created is 20 %.

    Attacker with/without harvesting: 1.365.667 / -4.127.933
    Defender with/without harvesting: -9.796.400 / -15.290.000


  • Noooooooooooooo, Kira is back !!! :runaway:

    I think this univ is going to hell with you in it xD

    Even I in andromeda felt your powa xD


  • i give ur NEW account max 14 days of life kira :D

    fr def

    according to Pavlov and his bitc..dogs, his account won't live not even 7 days O.o

    gg on 0 profit -_-

  • lmao .. for sure,giving lessons for Fleet save while you lost so many fleets on so many accounts ... hehe ...

    Fodder use must be a mystery .. hehe .. see how less losses would you have if you sent it along the BC`s ...

    glotr St3v3-0

  • hahaha haters make me famous:P
    just follow the sectıon of hofs (unı 6) nad you wıll see:D

    thıs ıs just begınıng. :cheersoneup:

    sıdd :love: ALİEN :pillowfight: HEİNEKEN :gift:


  • nice hit buddy and good profit
