Pride [MONSTERS] vs DonnieDarko [T.N.G] - 189.442.000

  • for once,,, posting you are. o.o

    im surprised. maybe so will i.

    good war.

  • Nice BC count, Pride :rolleyes1:
    Tasty miners fleet of DonnieDarko is in your nanites.
    Nani want more! Go, MONSTERS, Go!!!

  • I like it, relly nice hit my friend. And BC count, the best score in our UNI I think ;-)

  • ROFL, this game is a joke. stupid rule changes, stupid naming rules, ridiculous bans for minor offences and now this.

    I was going to use the account for moonshots but those new rules made it impossibly silly to Moonshot players ranked above me.

    I Vacced my account last Friday - BIG RED BANNER across the top telling me so and log out

    So today I login to make sure it stays active and doesn't get deleted to find it's been unvacced and raped.

    farm away boys. account set for deletion.

  • yikes...that sucks big time donnie! tho never heard of that bug before...

    I was wandering what kinda mistake you did again cause i know you do fleetsave often.... :P

    good for pride i guess