Top 03 [TOT: 53.902.282.000] zero_red9 [Friends] vs. Cusco [Aboom] (A: 7.144.643.000, D: 46.757.639.000)

  • Well, it was just matter of time and patience... The "sharkhunter:pleasantry:" is down.

    I was in a middle of a match in Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 when I saw the inactivity. I jumped only my Cr (first mistake) and launched the attack... i continue playing D2 because ninja was not an option here haha. I watched the result of the fight after few minutes and my surprise i catch him sleeping haha xD ( I was not expecting this to be honest). Quickly I try to move my recc because I was still in the match on D2 and sent my fleets to the incorrect moon (second mistake:dash:) and i said "well at least the damage is done haha" the rest is history I sent the reccs and got the 96-ish% of the DF lucky for me 8)....

    This guy has been a joke for the entire universe haha xD we have tons of memes, videos and everything hahah xD he loves to copy paste conversation and edit the text so he can lie and look for help or sympathy I guess.

    I think this is my last fight in this universe, is time to retiree now that this little V-princess is down :xeno:-

    This fight is for you guys! Thanks Ally and new friends from the merge

    On 30-01-2023 --:--:--, the following fleets met in battle:

    Attacker zero_red9 [Friends]


    Cruiser 10.500.000


    Defender Cusco [Aboom]


    Small Cargo 255.928

    Large Cargo 2.334

    Light Fighter 2.622.249

    Heavy Fighter 52.354

    Cruiser 131.276

    Battleship 324.396

    Colony Ship 94

    Recycler 420.666

    Espionage Probe 25.455

    Destroyer 17.240

    Deathstar 330

    Battlecruiser 10.943

    Reaper 2.011

    Pathfinder 13.371


    After the battle ...


    Attacker zero_red9 [Friends]


    Cruiser 10.253.633 ( -246.367 )


    Defender Cusco [Aboom]


    Small Cargo 0 ( -255.928 )

    Large Cargo 0 ( -2.334 )

    Light Fighter 0 ( -2.622.249 )

    Heavy Fighter 0 ( -52.354 )

    Cruiser 0 ( -131.276 )

    Battleship 0 ( -324.396 )

    Colony Ship 0 ( -94 )

    Recycler 0 ( -420.666 )

    Espionage Probe 0 ( -25.455 )

    Destroyer 0 ( -17.240 )

    Deathstar 330 ( -0 )

    Battlecruiser 0 ( -10.943 )

    Reaper 0 ( -2.011 )

    Pathfinder 0 ( -13.371 )


    The battle ends in a draw.

    The attacker captured:

    0 Metal, 0 Crystal and 0 Deuterium

    The attacker lost a total of 7.144.643.000 units.

    The defender lost a total of 46.757.639.000 units.

    At these space coordinates now float 29.364.483.200 metal and 12.023.349.600 crystal.

    The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.


    Debris harvested by the attacker(s):

    2.528.691.000 Metal and 2.528.691.000 Crystal

    1.264.345.500 Metal and 1.264.345.500 Crystal

    2.528.691.000 Metal and 2.528.691.000 Crystal

    18.506.111.700 Metal and Crystal

    Total debris harvested by the attacker(s):

    24.827.839.200 Metal and 7.486.745.600 Crystal

    Summary of profit/losses:

    Summary attackers(s)

    Metal: 19.900.499.200

    Crystal: 5.762.176.600

    Deuterium: -492.734.000

    The attacker(s) made a profit of 25.169.941.800 units.

    Summary defender(s)

    Metal: -31.778.264.000

    Crystal: -13.304.618.000

    Deuterium: -1.674.757.000

    The defender(s) lost a total of 46.757.639.000 units.

    Powered by OGotcha CR Converter 4.3.1

    Edited 2 times, last by zero_red9 ().

  • Code
    1. Oldplayer was blocked.. your colleague but you were covered because you are in the team. This is what it looks like. You didn't set up the account you have properly.
    2. You had multiple multiaccounts in Umbra. I report you and nothing happened. This is dishonorable
  • Code
    1. Oldplayer was blocked.. your colleague but you were covered because you are in the team. This is what it looks like. You didn't set up the account you have properly.
    2. You had multiple multiaccounts in Umbra. I report you and nothing happened. This is dishonorable

    Whatever makes you sleep better princess :pillepalle:... enjoy the rebuild:lol:

    i guess Gameforge will receive tons of tickets from you haha xD hope the German community have a good time managing your nonsense complaints

  • Link removed

    ~Armand S

  • ggs zero! We finally got him!

    Fr cusco, though I doubt you'll be back.

    Thanks DISASTER for the sig.

    Back and kicking ass

  • Code
    1. You insulted me in the anti-Semitic forum and in this forum not a single moderator did anything about it.
    2. The moderators are on their side :)
    3. I have reach, I have taken photos of the board where incitement against Jewish post-trials is condoned. I made photo of all communication.
    4. I will publish it.
  • nice job! It's the biggest honor in this game to be called a cheater for making a really good play! Take care wherever life brings you!

    noobin around in a universe near you

  • This is so eye soothing ... like a melem :*


    ** Straw Hat Pirates **

    -- "IF you DON't take RISKS, you can't create a FUTURE"  --

  • Let's all lay off the trolling and insults to each other please.

    For any and all cheating/insult etc. accusations, please submit an ingame ticket (for ban accusations) and board ticket (for offensive messages on the board).

  • [Staff] Armand S

    Changed the title of the thread from “[TOT: 53.902.282.000] zero_red9 [Friends] vs. Cusco [Aboom] (A: 7.144.643.000, D: 46.757.639.000)” to “Top 03 [TOT: 53.902.282.000] zero_red9 [Friends] vs. Cusco [Aboom] (A: 7.144.643.000, D: 46.757.639.000)”.