How long have you been playing Ogame?

  • I think 2005 I started 3 weeks after the start of uni 6 .org also had a uni 1 account too. I was #1 to #5 in uni 6 and worked to catch up in uni 1 to top 20. Does anyone remember candlemass from uni 6 no way to be #1 after he came to .org . T fleets were smaller and worked for not paid for and it was the best time in the game. over 20k players in uni 1 and over 10k in uni 6 at one time. I was MASSGRAVES leader of DEATH ROW alliance. https://board.en.ogame.gameforโ€ฆs-dyrandrel-pln/&pageNo=2

    To The Victor Goes The Spoils 300+] Hitman Wallpapers |

  • Off and on since 2005. My current account is only 3 years old. However, Iโ€™m in a universe that fits my playing style and in a good alliance so I think Iโ€™ll stick around on this one.

    I played uni in 2005 (MASS GRAVES) of (DEATH ROW) Alliance Uni 1 and Uni 6 .org

    To The Victor Goes The Spoils 300+] Hitman Wallpapers |

  • I played back in 2006 I think it was in uni

    I donโ€™t remember why I stopped playing back then.

    I joined about 2-3 months after it started. Iโ€™m still in zenith today but very much less active due to RL.