Cooldown period after getting out of V-mode

  • A trend that has been going on for quite a while is/are the so called 'v-mode warriors'. These players abuse vacation mode to get out of it, quickly attack a player and then jump right back into v-mode again.

    For both all other players and Gameforge this should be considered an unwanted abuse of vacation mode. Because players in v-mode don't spend money on DM right?

    Suggestion is simple:
    - After getting out of V-mode, a player would not be able to activate it again after an entire week, and the usage of V-mode should be limited to only twice per month.

    This option is called VACATION mode, not SEEK, ATTACK and HIDE mode. And GF, less people in v-mode means also more players buying DM.
    Please remove the abuse of this feature.

    Edited 2 times, last by Demonfreak ().

  • well i also agree with Demon but also we can make the rule. if you activate your account from vmode. you will not be able to put it again in vmode unless after 2 days

    Noob around the universe :thumbsup:

    :lol:  :miffy::missile:  *minigun**minigun2* :wtf:

  • 100% with Demonfreak. This V mode warrior bs has to come to an end. That is all some players do. There should be some sort of rules about how often you can jump in and out of vmode.

  • I am kinda in line with all of you.

    The abuse needs to be stopped but how?

    How about making a rule for vacation mode activation/deactivation that goes something like this:

    1) A player may activate v-mode at any time after having been active for more than a week or active for less than a week with no attacks and remain for at least 48hrs. (sorta like it already is with a few caveats)

    2) Any player the deactivates vacation mode can choose from 3 levels of protection:

    a. Level 1: No player may attack or spy the person for 48hrs to give that player time to re-acclimate to the game, and get his account set back up. The player is also blocked from attacking or spying on anyone else during those 48 hrs. NO EXCEPTIONS! The player is blocked from reactivation of v-mode for 7 days.

    b. Level 2: Any player may be safe from attack or spying for 48hrs after deactivating v-mode, but cancel it after 24hrs once they are set back up. Once cancelled, the protection can not be reactivated and the player is blocked from going back into v-mode for 7 days from the time v-mode was last deactivated.

    c. Level 3: Any player may deactivate v-mode and resume play with no protections and launch attacks or be attacked immediately after deactivation. The player is blocked from activation of v-mode again for 14 days from the time of last deactivation.

    3) Vacation protection can only be given to active, rule abiding accounts. Any account found to be operating outside of the acceptable rules and policies will be given 48 hrs of protection to protest violations and then the account will be left in a banned state and fully able to be attacked.

    Obviously this is just a thought and would need further round table discussion, but it is something, a start of sorts, a place to begin. What are the thoughts of the community on this?

  • There have been several attempts to change the vacation mode, but so far the GF has completely ignored it. I am of the opinion that it needs to be changed, but I don't think the US community is strong enough to initiate it. I think Germany and the UK are stronger, so maybe it should be posted in the forum there. Questions about changing the setting have been ignored here for weeks, even though the responsible employee has been pinged several times, so whatever.

  • a game who forces you to play? no thanks

    No, you get it wrong. You can always go INTO vacation mode, but once you come out, the idea is that you cannot misuse the vacation mode to quickly attack somebody and then dive back into it again. Hence the option for a 'cooldown' period. Furthermore this is 'vacation mode' we are talking about, which should only be used when on vacation or when you are away and you cannot access the game for any other particular reason. So, under normal circumstances, if you are a normal decent player, you activate it when you need it. But you don't use it to do sneak attacks on other players and then dive back into it again. It's a misuse of this function. And no, you are not forced to play. You can 'stay' in v-mode as long you want, or simply don't play the game at all.

  • or if u come out of v-mode u have a 24hr attack block

    I agree with this. I don't think anything should stop a player from entering vac mode. Being able to attack immediately upon exiting is what allows players to abuse it. Retiree.
    Noobin around in a universe near you...

  • This has been an issue in the game for a long time, and certainly one of a few that needs to be addressed. But I would recommend you make a thread over on the .EN boards also if you haven't already. Will get a lot more traction/attention over there.

  • VM was intended for those who wants to take a vacation from the game or cannot play due to RL circumstances .

    Weaponizing Vacation Mode to sneak an attacks on unsuspecting players and then hide behind the protection of VM immediately after the attack is foul play. This I consider an immoral form of "legal" cheating of this game, exactly like kicking a man in the genitals in a boxing match or karate. It is scum play period, no skill at all required but yet you win.

    I recommend game forge to modify Vacation Mode in the following...

    1. Enable to enter VM with a minimum 48hrs

    2. When you exit VM you will have "Noob" protection from incoming attacks & you cannot launch any attack for at least 8-16 hr hours from the time you exit VM.

    3. VM needs a "cool-down" period of 48hr before it can be reactivated

    4. EDIT during the 8-16 hours of noob protection/attack ban you can log back into VM. Reason: VM users do not wind up in GY after 60 days


    Edited once, last by Allan ().

  • you could also just get better. dont blame game features for piss poor play . fleet save and dont leave profit sitting. seems simple enough.

    Thanks DISASTER for the awesome Sig!

  • you could also just get better. dont blame game features for piss poor play . fleet save and dont leave profit sitting. seems simple enough.

    It's about the players who hide in vacation mode, come out for a few hours and go back in again. You can't do anything against the players except intercept them. Not even rip moons.

  • its easy to intercept. i have caught multiple vmode warriors. you just have to be patient. but to complain about it bc you are being hit for sloppy play is hilarious. im playing vmode style right now bc im pretty much living in hotels and dont have time. i probe a lot when i come out. if no fleet or resources are sitting i dont hit. its pretty simple to avoid. people are just lazy and want to cry instead of put forth effort and avoid the raids. also it costs me over 1-2 billion deut to fleet save in himalia daily. it doesnt make sense for me to do that every night.

    Thanks DISASTER for the awesome Sig!

  • "Sloppy play ? those are service LC ships to farm that planet and ships for expeditions 15K LC on every planet stays on the ground by design and the expedition fleet. We can't attack/spy you when your sleeping because you hide behind VM and YOU yourself leaves fleet on the ground on EVERY planet I see it on my spy reports "sloppy play"?

    Main fleet attack yes but going after solar sats and crawlers with service ships PETTY to say the least. You know my on times through discord you created (Umbra merge)


    Edited once, last by Allan ().

  • its easy to intercept. i have caught multiple vmode warriors. you just have to be patient. but to complain about it bc you are being hit for sloppy play is hilarious. im playing vmode style right now bc im pretty much living in hotels and dont have time. i probe a lot when i come out. if no fleet or resources are sitting i dont hit. its pretty simple to avoid. people are just lazy and want to cry instead of put forth effort and avoid the raids. also it costs me over 1-2 billion deut to fleet save in himalia daily. it doesnt make sense for me to do that every night.

    How nice of you to ACKNOWLEDGE you misuse a game feature that was not meant for the thing you describe. Staying mainly in hotels is your own business but does not give you the right to just hop out v-mode, attack a player, and then hop back. That is misusing the game feature. If you are away from home sitting in hotels, then stay in v-mode until you are back.

  • I think going in and out of vmode once in a while for valid reasons is fine. The prime example of the vmode abuse is our current #1 in Zenith. He comes out of vmode randomly in the middle of the night, does his thing with his 2m reapers and then goes back into v mode in the morning. If anyone defends this kind of play, you are delusional to say the least. The only way to try to fight this type of players is for someone to stay up all night and hope he shows up. If someone builds a big enough fleet that they can't afford to fleet save every night, doesn't mean that they should be allowed to abuse vmode non stop.

  • "Sloppy play ? those are service LC ships to farm that planet and ships for expeditions 15K LC on every planet stays on the ground by design and the expedition fleet. We can't attack/spy you when your sleeping because you hide behind VM and YOU yourself leaves fleet on the ground on EVERY planet I see it on my spy reports "sloppy play"?

    Main fleet attack yes but going after solar sats and crawlers with service ships PETTY to say the least. You know my on times through discord you created (Umbra merge)

    you left over 2billion in resources and like 700 million fleet. i leave 5k cargoes haha. there is a difference. sad that the number one player of volans is so green.

    How nice of you to ACKNOWLEDGE you misuse a game feature that was not meant for the thing you describe. Staying mainly in hotels is your own business but does not give you the right to just hop out v-mode, attack a player, and then hop back. That is misusing the game feature. If you are away from home sitting in hotels, then stay in v-mode until you are back.

    dont tell me how to play. and why did you caps lock acknowledge? i think you are trying to make a point on an assumption and have no idea what youre talking about. hotels bc of work travel. you telling me bc i travel for work i shouldnt play ogame and wait until i get home? hahahaha you are an idiot.

    I think going in and out of vmode once in a while for valid reasons is fine. The prime example of the vmode abuse is our current #1 in Zenith. He comes out of vmode randomly in the middle of the night, does his thing with his 2m reapers and then goes back into v mode in the morning. If anyone defends this kind of play, you are delusional to say the least. The only way to try to fight this type of players is for someone to stay up all night and hope he shows up. If someone builds a big enough fleet that they can't afford to fleet save every night, doesn't mean that they should be allowed to abuse vmode non stop.

    l understand this. i also told yall in discord a month before merger what to expect and how to deal with it.

    Yall are just gonna cry and cry and cry. So im out of this conversation good luck with your rule changes.

    Thanks DISASTER for the awesome Sig!

    Edited once, last by Bizzle ().

  • oh and by the way....heres just a few vmode warriors who came on, bashed my sats, and went vmode again. i learned their patterns, spent a few long nights waiting, or set traps. i didnt whine about changing rules. i dealt with it. yall just wanna say things arent fair bc someone has a different playstyle than you. and dont know how to beat them so you want the game changed for you. vmode warriors dont have the upper hand. just need to stop being lazy and learn how to play the game.

    [TOT: 14.104.545.000] Natural Selection[Aztec Slums] vs. Bizzle[MCB] (A: 13.965.772.000, D: 138.773.000)

    [TOT: 6.763.646.000] Pirate [Aztec Em] vs. Bizzle [MCB] (A: 6.405.655.000, D: 357.991.000)

    [TOT: 9.987.267.000] Aka Le Pas Doue vs. Bizzle [MCB] (A: 9.311.434.000, D: 675.833.000)

    [TOT: 1.250.448.000] Bonaparte [Asgard] vs. Bizzle [MCB] (A: 1.184.900.000, D: 65.548.000)

    Top 02 - [TOT: 17.481.775.000] Cusco [Imperium] vs. Threl Corak [Friends] & Bizzle [MCB] (A: 14.380.000.000, D: 3.101.775.000)

    Thanks DISASTER for the awesome Sig!

  • Well, that's very crafty of you to do that. And I don't say it's impossible. It's solely the 'idea', and if you have witnessed this before, how often have you been attacked by these players before you learned some of their routines? And during all those quick run and attacks did that not just piss you off at all? Knowing you I bet it did. And you probably had the same thoughts on your mind, like "This is not the function of vacation mode". Even though you eventually got these guys, those sneaky attacks somebody plopping out of v-mode, do a quick run and attack and voila back in v-mode. And you are like; "darn a$$holes, get out and fight".