Lifeform EXP beyond lvl 100

  • A couple of us in Zenith have reached the maximum lifeform experience or are within reach of it. Can we get the experience cap of level 100 increased since the discovery mission cap increases every day? Soon the only purpose of running these missions will be to get artifacts. The impact of the experience related buffs is fairly low impact, but it would be nice to still gain a small benefit from running them. I would also like to note that when you max out a lifeforms experience you can still find the maxed out races on discovery missions but the experience you find is 0.

    I do realize that this is something not many players can feel yet, but it would be nice to see a proactive change so that the players who have been running discovery mission dont "lose out" on potential experience. Retiree.
    Noobin around in a universe near you...