Tuesday, October 17, we will update the live servers with the newest game version.
This version brings a brand new game introduction and first steps for the new players aiming for a better onboarding when starting to play OGame.
More information here.
Version 11.0.0 will be applied with a 2 phases maintenance:
- at 10:00 CEST on OGame.org Gaspra
- at 13:00 CEST all the other universes
Your OGame Team
Version 11
- Live Universes
- Update
- [Admin] Shinesun
We will need to postpone the release of version 11.0.0 in order to tackle some 10.4.0 issues before it.
As soon as the new date is decided we will let you know. -
Wednesday, October 18, we will update the live servers with the newest game version.
This version brings a brand new game introduction and first steps for the new players aiming for a better onboarding when starting to play OGame.
More information here.
Version 11.0.0 will be applied with a 2 phases maintenance:
- at 10:00 CEST on OGame.org Undae
- at 13:00 CEST all the other universes
Note: Please be aware that during the maintenance several logouts from the game are expected. It is known that it happens and we are already working on a solution for it.
Your OGame Team -
Today, 19th of October, during the day we will run a script to solve the issue related with a task where players need to tear down a level of the Fusion power plant, which was problematic for higher level players. After running the script, all players that have a higher level than 10, will have the task resolved automatically.
This will not bring any disconnect or kick of the game. -
To avoid previous errors and not endanger your game play, we will have to postpone running the script.
As soon as have a concrete date, we will let you know.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Your OGame Team -
Hello commanders!
Today, Friday October 20, we will have a hotfix maintenance to tackle some issues with fleet queues and resource production reported recently:
- at 10:00 CEST OGame.org Undae
- at 13:00 CEST all the live universes
Note: Please be aware that during the maintenance several logouts from the game are expected. It is known that it happens and we are already working on a solution for it.
The OGame Team
Hello commanders!
Today, 25.10.2023, at 10:00 CEST we will run a script to solve the issue related with a task where players need to tear down a level of the Fusion power plant, which was problematic for higher level players. After running the script, all players that have a higher level than 10, will have the task resolved automatically.
This will not bring any disconnect or kick of the game.
The OGame Team -
On Monday, October 30, we will update live game rounds with the newest game version:
- at 14:00 CEST OGame.org universe Undae
- at 14:30 CEST all the live universes
- Removed the ability to scroll via mouse wheel from the rank selection dropdown on the alliance member page to avoid accidental rank changes.
- Fixed a case in which having multiple different lifeform researches applying to the same ship type caused the bonuses applied to ships to be displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed the displayed fleet arrival times on Fleet Dispatch II not considering alliance class speed bonuses.
- Fixed being unable to exchange bought Import/Export items after transferring to another game round.
- Fixed an issue that caused several errors to appear on older browser versions.
- Fixed being unable to transfer away from graveyard servers.
- Fixed the Traders alliance class affecting Food and Population capacities.
- Fixed the lifeform highscores having "Points" as their titles instead of each highscores correct title.
- Added number separators to resources displayed in the Immersive Player Introduction.
- Removed all Smatched reference from the Options.
- Fixed an issue that was keeping fleet missions stuck after returning
- Fixed an issue with a fleet queue order not updating defender information
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to game issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (Ctrl+Shift+R in most browsers).
The OGame Team -
Hello commanders!
Thursday, November 16, we will update live game rounds with the newest version:
- at 10:00 CET OGame.org universe Undae
- at 13:00 CET all the live universes
- Fixed the Empire View not considering lifeform resource production bonuses for the displayed resource production values;
- Fixed lifeform resource bonus researches not being added or removed correctly when the required amount of population was lost or gained;
- Fixed activity not being gained on all planets and moons when leaving vacation mode;
- Fixed an issue that caused espionage missions to get stuck in some cases;
- Fixed the construction info page of Solar Satellites not considering lifeform energy bonuses to the displayed amount of energy production;
- Fixed the collector class perks that were displaying outdated information;
- It's not possible to move an account from Graveyard to an non-LF round if you are coming from an LF round;- Fixed a defender's fleet not getting hit by an attack fleet with a higher ID arriving at the same time.
- Fixed a multialarm issue when an account was transferred to a different player's lobby.
- Fixed construction times resetting when an account gets transferred to another game round.
- Fixed the construction info not opening correctly for storage buildings under some conditions.
- Fixed combat reports from deleted players containing a fatal error.
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload
(For Chrome use Ctrl+Shift+R (clearing the browser cache) - For Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera GX use Ctrl+F5 - For Opera use Ctrl+Shift+Del).
The OGame Team -
attack block will be in place until 20:00 CET.
We will apply today the hotfix version 11.3.3 to tackle issues regarding fleets getting stuck:
- at 14:20 CET (all servers except the new ones that will open at 14:00 that will receive it before)
Please bear in mind that the time is an estimation, it might get a slight adjustment if needed.
Fleets from DE_251 and EN_198 will have to be cancelled.
The OGame Team -
The attack block in DE_251 (Vela) and EN_198 (Thuban) is prolonged until Monday 20.11.2023 at 12:00 CET.
We apologize for all the inconveniences caused
The OGame Team -
Hello commanders!
Tomorrow, November 21, we will apply a hotfix to the live universes:
- at 10:00 CET OGame.org Undae
- at 13:00 CET to the rest of the live universes
This hotfix version should tackle some fleet stuck events issues that are still around.
The OGame Team -
Hello commanders!
Tomorrow, November 28, we will update the live servers with the newest version:
- at 10:00 CET OGame.org Undae
- at 13:00 CET all the other universes
- Fixed the column header missing for alliances on the alliance search popup;
- Changed the design of checkboxes;
- Merged the lifeform Overview Page into the lifeform Management Page;
- Added info buttons for every lifeform research and building to the lifeform Management Page;
- Removed the info for food and population from the Resource settings page;
- Renamed the Player Bonuses page into "Lifeform Player Bonuses";
- Lifeform Development (Tech tree) added to the Lifeform Buildings overview
- Reduced the costs for re-rolling each section of the lifeform tech tree from T1 = 60.000 DM, T2 = 120.000 DM, T3 = 180.000 DM to T1 = 6.000 DM, T2 = 12.000 DM, T3 = 18.000 DM;
- Added the option to disable looting food on attack missions to Fleet Dispatch II;
- Fixed the loot priority not being selectable for moon destruction missions when the Admiral is active;
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (For Chrome Ctrl+Shift+R (clearing the browser cache) . For Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera GX use Ctrl+F5. For Opera Ctrl+Shift+Del.).
The OGame Team -
Hello commanders!
Tomorrow, November 30, we will update the live servers with the newest game version:
- at 10:00 CET OGame.org Undae
- at 13:00 CET the rest of the universes
- Fixed a case in which fleets get stuck.
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (For Chrome Ctrl+Shift+R (clearing the browser cache) . For Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera GX use Ctrl+F5. For Opera Ctrl+Shift+Del.).
Please bear in mind that the time is an estimation and it might get adjusted if needed.
The OGame Team -
Hello all!
Unfortunately we will postpone the maintenance from today for the next week.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience! -
Hello commanders!
Tomorrow, December 7, we will update the live servers with the newest game version:
- at 10:00 CET OGame.org Undae
- at 13:00 CET the rest of the universes
- Reworked Lifeform Player Bonuses page (Resources > Resource settings > Lifeform Player Bonuses) for a detailed overview.
- Fixed the food loot button not displaying "On" and "Off" in all languages.
- Added new icons to the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Added an info button to the character class bonus header on the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Added a link to the images of each lifeform to the lifeform management page on the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Fixed the info page of lifeform researches on the lifeform management page always displaying level 1.
- Fixed the cache not refreshing immediately when a lifeform got removed from a planet.
- Fixed planets not unlocking correctly in some cases.
- Fixed outlaw players not being attackable.
- Fixed the lifeform experience display not starting at the top.
- Fixed several buttons not being clickable correctly on the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Changed the maximum number of displayed decimals to 2 on the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Fixed caps missing from the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Fixed a general info section missing from the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Fixed an info button missing from the fuel consumption reduction on the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Adjusted the loca of the icon tooltips in the ship and defense sections of the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Fixed some lifeform level bonus values being displayed with more decimals than necessary on the lifeform player bonuses page
- Reworked the info about lifeform tech in espionage reports.
- Changed the loca and order of ship and defense icons on the lifeform player bonuses page to be in line with the detailed info pages of ships and defense buildings.
- Fixed the General class bonus to combat ship speed missing on the lifeform player bonuses page.
- Fixed percent values being displayed for values that should be displayed as integers on the lifeform player bonuses page
- Fixed the Slingshot Autopilot lifeform tech missing from the lifeform player bonuses page
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (For Chrome Ctrl+Shift+R (clearing the browser cache) . For Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera GX use Ctrl+F5. For Opera Ctrl+Shift+Del.).
Please bear in mind that the time is an estimation and it might get adjusted if needed.
The OGame Team -
Tomorrow, December 14, we will update the live servers with the newest game version:
- at 10:00 CET OGame.org Undae
- at 13:00 CET the rest of the universes
- Added a bashing protection system to the game. This will stop any further attacks from the same player on the same target after the 6th attack that has occurred within 24 hours. <-- This option is disable with the version update, we will inform when it will be enable on the live universes.
- Fixed BBCode not working on alliance pages.
- Added language selection: Players will be able to select the game language of their preference in any of the OGame domains. As example, it is possible to play on OGame.org and set the full game language to Portuguese.
- Fixed the lifeform experience icons being misaligned on the lifeform player bonuses page when viewed in Firefox.- Added a general cap to fuel reduction, so no ships can be sent out for free on universes with the fuel reduction setting active.
- Added country flags to several pages that represent the language a player is using.
- Added the option to set an alliance's language for players to see which language is mainly used by its members.
- Added a button to the navigation bar at the bottom of each page that allows you to view a universe's settings.
- Fixed several error messages displaying that your fleet is in combat when an action cannot be executed due to a different reason.
- Several fixes and improvements in the back end that might lead to front end issues which can be fixed with a hard reload (For Chrome Ctrl+Shift+R (clearing the browser cache) . For Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera GX use Ctrl+F5. For Opera Ctrl+Shift+Del.).
Please bear in mind that the time is an estimation and it might get adjusted if needed.
The OGame Team -
Some rounds will get an extra kick soonish to clean some of the old cache that is displaying wrongly some messages.
ru_184 ru_187
tw_149 Cheers,
Hello commanders!
Today, December 15, we will apply a hotfix to the live universes:
- at 13:00 CET OGame.nl 157
- at 13:30 CET 11.6.2 on all rounds except nl_157
This hotfix version should tackle some issues with moon desctructions.
The OGame Team